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| | | Invest before this company becomes a household name | What if you had the opportunity to invest in the biggest electronics products before they launched into big box retail, would you? | Ring changed doorbells and Nest changed thermostats. Early investors in these companies earned massive returns, but the opportunity to invest was limited to a select, wealthy few. Not anymore. RYSE has just launched in 100+ Best Buy stores, and you're in luck — you can still invest at only $1.50/share before their name becomes known nationwide. | They have patented the only mass market shade automation device, and their exclusive deal with Best Buy resembles that which led Ring and Nest to their billion-dollar buyouts. | Learn how you can become a shareholder. | | | Can you solve this puzzle? | | | Featured content | | Can you break out of a "forEach" loop in JavaScript? | It's an amazing question to challenge just how well you really know JavaScript. | Because we're not talking for loops — or this would have been ridiculously easy: you just break: | | But you wouldn't dare do this with forEach, or disaster happens: | | What about return… mhmm. | What do you think is going to happen here: | | return should easily end the loop at 5 and take us to the outer log right? | Wrong: | | | | I'm not one of those who go on screaming about how horrible if statements are -- in many cases, they are simply the best choice out of all the ways to create control flow. | Yet there are lots of situations where a different construct will do a noticeably better job of expressing our code's intent -- something we can't ignore as long we write code for humans. Not to mention lower verbosity and shorter code. | So, let's look at some powerful if statement alternatives. | 1. The AND (&& ) operator | This one is unique to JavaScript. | We quickly go from this: | | To this: | | We've eradicated the nested and compacted the branching logic into a one-liner. | You want to use this when there's an if but no matching else; especially when the if block has only one line. | Even if there are multiple lines you can abstract them into a separate function and apply && again. After all the console.log() in our example is an abstraction itself. | | Thank you for taking the time to read today's issue. | Don't let the bugs byte, Tari Ibaba |
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