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Welcome to The Week in Charts, where we break down Gallup's latest insights on our constantly evolving world. Here are the five insights you shouldn't miss this week: | 1. Inflation, Americans' Top Financial Problem | | Inflation is Americans' No. 1 financial problem, by a wide margin. About a third of U.S. adults volunteered that answer when asked to name the top financial issue facing their family. Half of Americans are reporting that higher gas prices have already caused their household financial hardship. While more say their financial situation is getting worse than say it's getting better, most Americans still say they are living comfortably on their present income. Read Article | | 2. How Welcome Are Ukrainian Refugees in the U.S.? | | Americans' rate of acceptance for Ukrainian refugees entering the U.S. is higher than it has been for any other major conflict in recent history. Nearly eight in 10 Americans approve of allowing Ukrainian refugees to enter the U.S. Support for accepting up to 100,000 refugees, a small number compared with the millions who have fled, is as bipartisan as we have seen since the 1999 war in Kosovo. Read Article | | 3. Sri Lankan Meltdown | | The recent unrest in Sri Lanka was predated by a precipitous drop in confidence in the government and unprecedented pessimism about the economy. As the nation's varied political currents unite in their distrust of the ruling Rajapaksa family, the economic situation continues to worsen, leading the IMF to warn that worse fuel and food shortages may be on the horizon. Read Article | | 4. Marine Le Pen Lost, but Not So Fast | | France just voted to reelect its president, something that hasn't happened since 2002, when Jacques Chirac easily defeated Le Pen's father. Yet, concerns about the nation's future in the European Union persist, as French adults remain lukewarm on the bloc's leadership. The near split in approval to disapproval of the EU's leadership ranks France among the most disapproving EU members. Read Article | | 5. Americans Less Pumped About Their Jobs | | U.S. employee engagement dropped in our latest update, starting 2022 off with an air of worker malaise. Hybrid and remote workers had slightly better engagement, but it is clear that the tenacious employment market, fluidity in where and how we work, economic concerns (see No. 1 above), and so much more have left U.S. workers with a weakened fire in their belly for their job. Read Article | | And that's The Week in Charts! Mohamed Younis Editor-in-Chief Gallup A forward is the best compliment. Tell a friend to sign up for The Week in Charts here. | | |
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