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[Go Make Things] Tech is more political than ever

Late last year, I wrote about how the tech industry is about to get a lot worse. And two days after Trump took office here in the US, we're already starting to see it.

(Sorry in advance for my international readers, but the US being what it is, this probably affects you, too.)

Just three days into his Presidency…

It's looking bleak. But you're not powerless!

On Monday, I talked about creating hope, focus on your local community, and the power of mutual aid. As a tech worker, you wield tremendous power!

Here are some things you can do both right now and situationally…

  • GTFO Twitter! If you're there, you're supporting a literal Nazi. Bluesky is nice. Mastodon is pretty ok, too. I use both.
  • GTFO Facebook! It's not safe for your trans friends, and you're actively supporting a giant piece of shit.
  • A lot of local community stuff is only on Facebook, so getting off that platform can be harder for some people. If that's the case, use your tech savvy to help those communities migrate elsewhere, if you can.
  • Collect as little data about your users as possible. Turn off that tap entirely, or advocate for data reduction at your company.
  • Do not pre-comply. If you think you might be asked to do something immoral, wait until you are. If you can, employ malicious compliance.
  • Start a union. No, seriously.
  • If you have any sort of social privilege, use it! Protect your friends and coworkers. Correct people who use the wrong pronouns. Call out racism. Point out systemic issues. Be loud. Be annoying. The squeaky wheel and all that.
  • Know your rights if ICE shows up at your home or workplace. Do not willingly hand your coworkers over to Nazi facists.
  • Help your less tech-savvy friends, family, and neighbors with digital security. Set them up with VPNs. Teach them how to use Signal or another encrypted app. Educate them on how tech companies suck up their data and turn it over to the feds.
  • Change your social media habits. You don't have to doom scroll and repost every terrible thing Trump does. In fact, it's arguably detrimental to over-fixate and give those assholes a platform.
  • Practice mutual aid. If people need things, and you have those things and can afford to part with them, do. We all need to help each other out!
  • Find joy, even in the dark. It's ok to be happy even when the world around you is burning. Humans need hope and joy.

And as always, if you need anything from me or just want someone to vent to, I'm here.

I see you. You're a valid person. You exist. You're worthy of love and dignity and respect.

And if you made it this far and you're thinking about emailing to tell me you don't follow me for politics, fuck your fascist ass, eat a bag of rocks.

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