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Bing Chat modes, local snippets, 3D labels and more

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Bing laid out when to use each mode of Bing Chat, they posted their thinking behind each mode. Google Merchant Center changed its rules around advertising electric bikes. Google is testing a new local and mobile search snippet. Google's save your favorite brand feature is live. Google is testing a 360 label over a 3D label. And I posted my weekly SEO video recap, where I discuss the big Google core update and Bing Chat changes.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories

  • Search News Buzz Video Recap: Big Google March Core Update, Bing Chat GPT-4, Bing Answers Go Chat & More
    Google released the March 2023 broad core update, so far this has been a very fast and big update. Bing said they've been using the new GPT-4 technology for the past several weeks. Bing also hinted that the Bing...
  • How Bing Thinks About The Bing Chat Modes
    A few weeks ago, Microsoft added three tones or modes of responses to the Bing Chat feature; balanced, creative and precise. Yesterday, Mikhail Parakhin, the CEO of Bing, explained the thinking Microsoft Bing has behind when to use each Bing Chat mode.
  • Google Product Listing Ads To Allow Faster Electric Bikes
    Google will be updating its Merchant Center policy to allow ads for electric bikes that go up to 28 mph. This is an increase from the max speed of 15.5 mph from May 2022. This new policy is effective as of this month, March 2023.
  • Google Tests Search & Local Snippet Result Blend
    Google may be testing a new search result snippet that blends a typical search result snippet with a local snippet result. This one has the favicon, sitename, URL, title and image but it removed the description portion and replaced it with local features, like map, directions, call and hours.
  • Google Search Save Your Favorite Brands Feature
    Last September at the Search On event, Google announced a new personalized shopping results based on your previous shopping habits with the ability to specify which brands you want. That feature was supposedly launched later in 2022 but I think this is the first time I've seen it in the wild.
  • Google Tests Replacing 3D Label With 360 Label
    Google Search is testing replacing the 3D label with a 360 label for products and images that you can rotate within the search results. I guess either 3D or 360 labels would work for this, and I guess Google is testing the alternative.
  • Duane Forrester Acquires New Bing Mug From Fabrice Canel
    Duane Forrester, a former Microsoft and Bing employee, has acquired a new Bing mug to replace his Bing Webmaster Tools cup, from Fabrice Canel. This transaction went down at PubCon a few weeks ago.

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