Western Governors University: Renewing the Promise of Higher Education
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2020 presented significant challenges to the ways Americans work and learn, requiring institutions of higher education to adapt how they deliver value to their students. Conversely, the transition to remote or hybrid learning — combined with a forced reimagining of the workplace — has spurred students across the country to consider, more than ever, the value of a college degree and a university's ability to set them up for success during and after their academic journey.

Since 2014, Western Governors University has partnered with Gallup to assess the outcomes that their fully online, student-centered learning environment delivers to students and compare those outcomes to national benchmarks.

Renewing the Promise of Higher Education: WGU Alumni Outcomes Report 2021 finds that the university's individualized approach continues to produce graduates who are resilient and aligned with the needs of today's workforce. Even during a global pandemic, WGU graduates are thriving in their personal and professional lives at higher rates than bachelor's degree holders nationally and are more likely to say their alma mater is passionate about their long-term success and wellbeing.

Join us on May 11, 2021, as experts from Gallup and leaders in education discuss how the experiences and outcomes of WGU undergraduate alumni compare to college graduates nationally and debate the current state of higher education.


Webinar Details

The conversation will focus on:

  • education pathways to thriving careers
  • the continuing value of college
  • the need for higher education to evolve
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
1:00 p.m. EDT
60 minutes

Scott Pulsipher
Western Governors University

Ahnna Smith
Executive Director, Workforce Investment Council
Government of the District of Columbia

Maurice Jones
Chief Executive Officer

Stephanie Marken
Executive Director of Education Research

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