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[Go Make Things] The CSS :not() pseudo-class

Today, I wanted to look at a really handy modern CSS feature: the :not() pseudo-class.

Let's dig in!

What :not() does

The :not() pseudo-class can be used to select elements that do not match one or more selectors.

You can use it by itself or on an element. Pass in the selectors to exclude as a comma-separated list.

/**    * Will style all paragraphs to be bold   * EXCEPT those with the .boring and .plain classes   */  p:not(.boring, .plain) {  	font-weight: bold;  }

A practical example

For example, let's say you have a class to style links to look like buttons.

.btn {  	background-color: rebeccapurple;  	border: 0;  	border-radius: 0.25em;  	color: white;  	font-size: 1rem;  	font-weight: normal;  	padding: 0.5em 0.8rem;  	text-decoration: none;  }
<!-- Looks like a button -->  <a class="btn" href="/sign-up">Sign Up</a>

But you also have your links styled to go bold when hovered.

a:hover {  	font-weight: bold;  }

Because of the cascade, the .btn element will also show as bold when hovered over.

Here's a demo.

We can use the :not() pseudo-class to exclude .btn elements from our link :hover styles…

a:not(.btn):hover {  	font-weight: bold;  }

Here's an updated demo.

More on selectors

I've added this tutorial, as well as CSS selector basics, advanced attribute selectors, and information on the cascade and specificity to my Go Make Things members area.

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