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Weekly Digest: This Multiferroic Can Take the Heat - up to 160℃, and more ...

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This Multiferroic Can Take the Heat - up to 160℃
By Tohoku University
Tohoku University researchers are breaking limits by increasing the temperature multiferroics can operate at, from room temperature up to a blistering 160℃

Life's building blocks in Bennu samples
A mosaic image of asteroid Bennu, composed of 12 PolyCam images collected by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft from a range of 24 kilometers. (NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona)
By Hokkaido University
Japanese collaborators detected all five nucleobases — building blocks of DNA and RNA — in samples returned from asteroid Bennu by NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission.

New Acoustic Wave Phenomenon Discovered
By Tohoku University
This novel finding regarding the nonreciprocal diffraction of acoustic waves could open doors for next-generation communication devices.

Japan's "soft" but not ineffective approach to public health during the COVID-19 pandemic
By Osaka University
In a study on public psychology with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers from Osaka University found no significant differences among regions of Japan regarding either risk perception or infection-prevention behaviors during the "state of emergency," suggesting spillover effects between tar

Cell death and aging in cancer research review
How a drug might prevent cancer formation
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Latest findings on the significance and interaction between cell death and cellular senescence in cancer

Exploring a New Qubit with the Gemstone Spinel
By Tohoku University
Researchers have discovered that the gemstone spinel is capable of storing quantum information, making it a viable material in the field of quantum technology.

PEPPI-MS protocols reveal chemical structure of cellular proteins on a large scale
By Ehime University
Gel-based sample pre-fractionation leads to detailed proteoform analysis with mass spectrometry

Rethinking altruistic punishment: New experimental insights
The structure of traditional third-party punishment game
By Osaka Metropolitan University
How people decide to confront or avoid unfairness

Listening to the stories of Hong Kong subdivided units: Lingnan University scholars and artists collaborate to showcase the reality of grassroots living
Lingnan University scholars and artists collaborate to showcase the reality of grassroots living. (From right: Prof Ruby Lai Yuen-shan, Mr Victor Sham Chung-tat, and Ms Miu Law.)
By Lingnan University (LU)
Prof Ruby Lai Yuen-shan, Assistant Professor of the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at Lingnan University in Hong Kong, has partnered with two Hong Kong artists, Ms Miu Law and Mr Victor Sham Chung-tat, for an interdisciplinary collaboration.

Team uses achiral hard banana-shaped particles to assemble skyrmions and blue phases
By Hiroshima University
The team's findings have potential applications in photonics and memory devices.

High-brilliance radiation quickly finds the best composition for half-metal alloys
By National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Researchers use high-brilliance synchrotron radiation to identify the half-metal mix with the highest half-metallic nature.

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