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Weekly Digest: Weekly News Bites: Robot-controlled insects, robots that swarm like insects, and a sponge made of squid, and more ...

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Weekly News Bites: Robot-controlled insects, robots that swarm like insects, and a sponge made of squid
By Asia Research News
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are a cockroach cyborg, microrobots that assemble and disassemble to perform tasks, and a sponge made of squid bones to clean up pollution.

Glacial cooling reduces tropical Pacific upper ocean zonal gradients
By National Taiwan University
A research team led by National Taiwan University used geochemical indicators from deep-sea sediments to reconstruct the upper ocean zonal gradients in the tropical Pacific during the last glacial period, providing valuable constraints for future climate projections.

Paving the Way for the Future of Energy Storage with Solid-State Batteries
By Tohoku University
Advances in solid-state battery research are paving the way for safer, longer-lasting energy storage solutions. A recent review by Tohoku University researchers highlights breakthroughs in inorganic solid electrolytes and their role in improving battery performance.

Geothermal aquifers offer green potential but quality checks required
Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) system in winter
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Accidental clogging in geothermal wells reveals need for monitoring to ensure long-term usability

Shiitake-derived functional food shows suppression of liver fibrosis progression
How AHCC might inhibit activation of hepatic stellate cells
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Early administration of AHCC at the stage of hepatitis might hold possibility of preventing onset of cirrhosis

Lingnan University survey shows that over 90% of respondents agree Gerontech education is crucial
The Lingnan University Institute for Policy Studies' Jockey Club Gerontechnology and Smart Ageing in Place (GTSA) Project conducted a survey on the public's knowledge and attitudes towards gerontechnology during the Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit 2024. (Left 1: Dr Chloe Siu Pui-yee, Senior Lecturer of the Institute of Policy Studies and School of Graduate Studies)
By Lingnan University (LU)
To discover Hong Kong citizens' awareness and acceptance of gerontechnology, the Lingnan University Institute for Policy Studies' Jockey Club Gerontechnology and Smart Ageing in Place (GTSA) Project recently held a public opinion survey.

Six science advice workshops to be supported at a grassroots level across Asia in 2025
By International Science Council Regional Focal Point for Asia and the Pacific
Seed grants have been awarded to six applicants with high quality and well-outlined proposals to organize workshops promoting science advice at an institutional or national level in their respective countries in 2025.

Adding sweetener to coffee enhances 'night-owl' effects of caffeine
 Sweetened caffeine-induced nocturnal behavior in mice
By Hiroshima University
Researchers have found that adding sugar or artificial sweetener to drinks with caffeine gives a significant boost to the sleep-wake period in mice

Robot rehabilitation can offer optimal post-stroke treatment
Rehabilitation robot training programs show promise in treating upper body paralysis.
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Use of automated system in upper extremity paralysis care proves beneficial for patients and medical staff

How to Print a Car: High-performance Multi-material 3D Printing Techniques
By Tohoku University
A future where lightweight car parts can be made with a 3D printer is here, thanks to multi-material additive manufacturing research conducted at Tohoku University.

Study maps bed bugs' genomes in unprecedented detail to find out why they just won't die
By Hiroshima University
Near-gap-free and near-error-free genomes of a susceptible bed bug strain and a superstrain with around 20,000-fold insecticide resistance offer the broadest look yet at the full scope of mutations driving their resilience.

The longevity factor Foxo3 mediates "unfit" cell elimination to ensure healthy body construction
By Osaka University
Researchers from Osaka University have revealed some of the precise mechanisms by which erroneous cells are recognized, marked for removal, and eliminated via apoptosis in developing zebrafish.

Malaysia Technology Expo Announces Virtual Event for Sustainable Energy and Green Technology Innovations
This annual event will bring together innovators, researchers, and industry leaders from around the world to spotlight groundbreaking advancements in sustainable energy and green technology.

Smart Two-Stage Carboplatin Release System: Synergizing with Reduced-Dose Radiotherapy to Eradicate Malignant Gliomas in Mice
By National Taiwan University
Utilizing pericellular and intracellular controlled-release of carboplatin to precisely synergize with reduced-dose radiotherapy, aiming to eradicate malignant gliomas.

Can Lab-Grown Neurons Exhibit Plasticity?
By Tohoku University
This bioengineering breakthrough has found a way to make neurons grown in a dish react just like the real thing.

Quester Inc., Founded by a DGIST Student, Wins the Prestigious CES 2025 Innovation Award
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
- Captivating Global Attention with the Next-Generation Hand Tracking Device Motiglove

Generate Electricity by Attaching the Product to Your Clothes! Highly Efficient Wearable Energy Harvester Developed: 280 Times More Efficient Than Conventional Devices
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
- DGIST Professor Jang Kyung-In's research team has developed a highly efficient wearable energy harvester that can power electronic devices using only body movements - The research results are published in ACS Nano, a top-tier journal in the field of nanoscience

Hidden mechanism of swallowing revealed by Caenorhabditis elegans!
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
- DGIST Professor Kim Kyuhyung's research team uncovers the role of Piezo channels that sense pressure in the digestive tract and regulate swallowing behavior - The research opens new opportunities for developing treatments for digestive and eating disorders

DGIST Develops Technology to Stimulate the Brain with an Ultra-small Coil
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
- DGIST Professor Kim So-hee's research team opens the possibility to safely and precisely stimulate specific areas of the brain with an ultra-small 3.5mm coil - The technology can facilitate convenient and precise brain stimulation treatment at home without visiting a hospital

Yeast as food emulsifier? Easily released protein as strong as casein
Yeast protein as emulsifier
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Cell wall proteins exhibit emulsifying action, offer possible alternative to emulsifiers derived from milk, other known allergens

Nanofluidic devices pioneer unmatched precision in matter manipulation and processing
Potential of nanofluidic devices for manipulating individual nanometric objects
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Redefining the art of matter manipulation at the nanoscale

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