Over the last few weeks, I've been adding a code sandbox to all of the tutorials, courses, and tools on the Lean Web Club. If you're unfamiliar with what a "code sandbox" is, it's a live in-browser editor where the user can modify the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and see their changes run in real-time in an isolated iframe. Its a great way to experiment with what you're learning before you try to apply it to a real project. There are a lot of third-party options (CodePen, SandPack), but I built my own lightweight standalone Web Component. Today, the source code is open sourced and free to use in the Lean Web Club toolkit collection. And yesterday, I hopped on YouTube to walk through how I built it and how it works. If you're not a Lean Web Club member, you can also find the source code in the description on the YouTube video, though I won't be keeping that one updated. Enjoy! Cheers, Want to share this with others or read it later? View it in a browser. |
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