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Majority in U.S. Disapprove of Israel's Actions in Gaza

Plus: U.S. Housing, Customer Experience, UK Community Basics, American Concerns
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April 9, 2024

Welcome to Front Page, where we break down Gallup's latest insights on our constantly evolving world. Here are the five insights you shouldn't miss this week:


1. Majority in U.S. Disapprove of Israel's Actions in Gaza

Column Chart: U.S. perceptions of Israeli military actions in Gaza, November 2023-March 2024.

The Data: Americans' approval of Israel's military actions in Gaza has significantly decreased over the course of the campaign, dropping from 50% in November to 36% in March.

Drops for All Parties: Approval of Israel's actions has fallen among all political party groups, including 18-percentage-point drops among both Democrats and independents and seven points among Republicans.

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2. Record-Low Confidence in Housing Market

Line Chart: 21% of Americans said it was a good time to buy a house in 2023.

What We're Watching: Gallup's 2022 and 2023 measures of Americans' confidence in the U.S. housing market are the only times in Gallup's trend since 1978 that less than half of the public has believed it's a good time to be a buyer.

Bigger Picture: With anticipated interest rate cuts from the Fed and a sweeping lawsuit potentially impacting real estate agent fees, analysts are closely watching for any effect on housing prices. Stay tuned as we prepare to update these perceptions of the housing market in Gallup's annual Economy and Personal Finance survey.

Stay tuned

3. Tough Customers

Bar Chart: 43% of U.S. retail employees say customers are more demanding since the start of the pandemic.

The Data: More than half of U.S. employees (56%) report a shift in customer expectations post-pandemic.

Nature of Change: Employees note an increase in customer demand for superior service (43%) and enhanced virtual/remote service options (28%).

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4. Not OK in the UK

Line Charts: Change in satisfaction with community basics in the U.K., 2011-2023.

The Data: Gallup surveys in 2023 show Britons were unhappier with their local infrastructure, public services and environment than they had been in over a decade. Britons' satisfaction with the availability of quality healthcare and good, affordable housing took the biggest hits.

Political Concerns: Ahead of the news that the United Kingdom had slipped into a recession late last year, Britons' sinking satisfaction with basic community services could spell trouble for Conservatives in the coming general election.

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5. American Anxieties

Bar Chart: Top 10 issues concerning Americans in March 2024.

The Data: Inflation leads Americans' worries when asked to rate a list of potential national problems, with 55% expressing a “great deal” of concern. Crime and violence, as well as hunger and homelessness, follow closely, with over half of Americans reporting great concern about these issues.

Rising Concerns: When comparing 2023 and 2024 data on 14 major issues, there's a noticeable increase in concern about two. Worry about illegal immigration has risen by seven percentage points, from 41% to 48%. Concern about future terrorist attacks has also climbed seven points, reaching 43%.

New data

BONUS: The Happiest Country in the World Is …

Heat Map: World map showing the countries with the highest and lowest Happiness Index scores.

The Data: Finland tops the global happiness leaderboard for the seventh straight year with a score of 7.741, followed closely by Denmark at 7.583. Iceland, Sweden and Israel also make strong showings to round out the top five.

The Bigger Picture: The top 10 countries have remained much the same since before the COVID-19 pandemic. Finland is still on top, with Denmark close behind, and all five Nordic countries are in the top 10. The World Happiness Report explores the factors contributing to people's wellbeing, the happiness ratings of countries worldwide and the importance of measuring happiness.

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