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Biden on the Issues

Plus: Satisfaction With American Life, Satisfaction With U.S. Government, Immigration, Employee Engagement by Generation
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Welcome to Front Page, where we break down Gallup's latest insights on our constantly evolving world. Here are the five insights you shouldn't miss this week:

1. Biden on the Issues

Bar Chart: Job approval for Joe Biden overall and on key issues before the 2024 presidential election.

The Data: President Joe Biden's overall job approval rating dips to 38%, nearly two percentage points below his third-year average.

The Bigger Picture: The president is behind on several key “sink or swim” metrics for incumbents seeking reelection, although history suggests there is still time for a turnaround. How he'll do that isn't clear, as his approval ratings on all key issues, save Ukraine, are even lower than his overall job approval rating.
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2. State of the Union: Lackluster

Range Plot: Decreased satisfaction in the state of the nation in 12 critical areas, 2021-2024.

The Data: Americans are less satisfied with the state of the nation in 12 critical areas now than when Biden assumed office.

Why It Matters: Worsening sentiment on key issues during a presidential term is cause for concern for any incumbent seeking reelection. But not all negatives on the list are bad for Biden. Despite souring perspectives traditionally giving cause for concern in the White House, Americans' declining satisfaction with both gun laws and the position of women in the nation could be wind in the sail of Biden's reelection efforts.
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3. Americans Dissatisfied With Their System of Government

Line Chart: 66% of Americans say they are dissatisfied with their government in 2024.

The Data: Today, 33% of Americans express some level of satisfaction with how well their system of government works.

Why It Matters: Biden came into office with the stated goal of uniting the country and restoring a sense of normalcy in the federal government. His efforts over the past three years have failed to significantly restore public satisfaction with how the system works — although it is important to note that a majority of Americans have not been satisfied since 2008.
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4. Immigration, Immigration, Immigration

Line Chart: 55% of Americans say illegal immigration is a critical threat to the U.S. in 2024.

The Data: A record-high 55% of Americans view “large numbers of immigrants entering the United States illegally” as a critical threat to the vital interests of the U.S.

Why It Matters: This measure and others like Gallup's monthly “most important problem” metric are capturing mounting public concern about immigration. If pressure at the southern border continues, voters will likely remain concerned come November.
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5. A Millennial Engagement Decline

Line Chart: Millennials and Gen Z show a decline in employee engagement from 2020 to 2023.

The Data: Our latest research on the U.S. workforce highlights that older millennials (born between 1980 and 1988) have seen the biggest drop in employee engagement since the pandemic.

Why It Matters: Millennials and Gen Z employees have seen the greatest decline in feeling cared about by someone at work, having opportunities to learn and grow, feeling connected to the mission of their organization, having progress discussions with managers, being given opportunities to develop, and feeling that their opinions count. Gallup research has shown that all of these sentiments affect an organization's bottom line.
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And that's Front Page!

Mohamed Younis

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