New Webinar: DOT Justice40 ETC Explorer Tool Updates Date: June 5, 2023 Time: 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm MT/2:30 pm to 3:30 pm ET Cost: Free Organization: USDOT This webinar will provide updates on the Justice40 initiative at DOT and the newly updated and released ETC Explorer. The presentation will include information on how the ETC Explorer was updated based on the recent public comment period and how the tool's data can be utilized in the project development process. Questions can be submitted in advance during registration. For more information about this training, click here. Link: New Webinar: How to Make Your Safe Streets and Roads for All Application Successful Date: June 6, 2023 Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm MT/2:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET Cost: Free Organization: Rails to Trails Conservancy Join Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) and successful 2022 Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) applicants to learn how to make your FY2023 application stand out to USDOT. At this webinar, we will discuss 2023 applications, which are due July 10th, as well as future SS4A funding cycles and other safety-focused programs such as the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). While focusing on how to create a successful application, this webinar will also address the importance of including traffic-separated bike and pedestrian routes as an important component to decreasing fatalities and injuries among vulnerable road users. We will be joined by three successful applicants from 2022, including: - Betty Smoot-Madison: Director of Mobility Planning for the City of Atlanta's Department of Transportation
- Aaron Wilson: Planning Manager for the City of Missoula's Public Works & Mobility Department
- Will White: Transportation Project Specialist for the City of Salisbury's Department of Infrastructure & Development
During this session, Betty, Will, and Aaron will walk through the SS4A application process, discuss why trails and active transportation were important components of their projects and highlight elements of their applications that made them successful in the FY2022 funding round. After our panelists provide their perspectives and approaches to the topic, there will be time for audience questions. For more information about this training, click here. Link: New Webinar: How U.S. Governments and Transit Agencies Can Implement Road Safety Technology Date: June 6, 2023 Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm MT/2:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET Cost: Free Organization: ITS America As the U.S Department of Transportation (USDOT) unveiled its "Research, Development and Technology Strategic Plan" earlier in 2023, more money continues to be allocated to support technological investments in addressing road safety, in which roughly $5 billion has been dedicated to fund research projects, stemming from the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Now that it's no longer a question of how cities and states can obtain the money needed to address road safety, government, and transit agencies need to be thinking about how best to use this allocated money to truly benefit the future of transportation infrastructure in their communities and eliminate all traffic fatalities in the process. According to U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, government and transit agency officials need to "leverage innovative technologies to monitor, predict and plan ways to reduce injuries and fatalities among the transportation workforce and traveling public." With this in mind, government and transit agencies now have the opportunity to truly push into the next century of road safety and understand the technologies to keep in mind. In this webinar, attendees will learn what is needed to successfully implement road safety technology and the analytical safety and traffic insights these technologies collect and evaluate to tackle road safety issues, including: 1. Establishing a road safety performance baseline and monitoring ongoing trends 2. Adapting signal timing to not only optimize traffic conditions but also tackle safety issues 3. Leveraging connected infrastructure to alert vehicles of conflicts with vulnerable road users 4. Alerting pedestrians and cyclists more effectively by using smartphone safety applications For more information about this training, click here. Link: New Webinar: The Community Connectors Program - Announcing the Launch of a New Initiative Date: June 6, 2023 Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm MT/2:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET Cost: Free Organization: Transportation for America, Equitable Cities, New Urban Mobility Alliance, America Walks Connecting communities should be the core of all transportation projects. But too often, transportation infrastructure like dividing highways and dangerous arterials separate and harm the communities living around them. Transportation for America, Equitable Cities, the New Urban Mobility Alliance, and America Walks are partnering to launch the Community Connectors Program, an initiative to help advance locally driven projects that address infrastructure barriers and reconnect communities. Join us to learn more about this technical assistance, capacity building, and grantmaking program and how your community can apply. For more information about this training, click here. Link: Webinar: Prioritizing Speed Management in Vision Zero Planning Date: June 7, 2023 Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm MT/1:00 pm to 2:00 pm ET Cost: Free Organization: Vision Zero Network Speed-related crashes are responsible for at least one-third of roadway fatalities in the U.S. As communities experience tragic – and preventable – increases in traffic deaths and injuries, Vision Zero Action Plans need to prioritize ambitious and actionable speed management strategies. In this webinar, we will discuss ways to leverage the Vision Zero planning process to emphasize Safety over Speed in your community. Hear from leaders in communities that recognize how a Safe System approach lifts up strategies to slow speeds and improve safety, starting with the Vision Zero planning process. For more information about this training, click here. Link: New Webinar: Curbside Management - A Snapshot State of the Practice Date: June 8, 2023 Time: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm MT/2:00 pm to 3:30 pm ET Cost: Free members/$79 non-members Organization: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) During this webinar three cities will share an overview of their current curbside management programs. Curbside management encompasses a broad range interventions and approaches that center on how cities and towns utilize the valuable space next the curb. This topic has seen rapid shifts in the post-pandemic world with increases in deliveries and continued high interest in curbside dining or parklets. In DC the intersection of technology and curbside management has never been more visible. From mobile payments, to app-enabled for-hire vehicle and goods delivery services, to dynamic pricing, the transportation industry has never had more potential solutions to the evolving challenges at the curbside. Often being a leader in the pack means venturing into uncharted territory and taking an iterative approach to program implementation. The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) has been committed to leadership in transportation, particularly in curbside management. DDOT's Curbside Management Division will give an overview of several cutting-edge curbside management programs that have been developed in recent years highlighting successes, challenges, and lesson learned. Seattle will share their Zero Emissions Vehicle Loading Zone and E-Cargo Bike Delivery Implementation Plan. Freight and commercial goods are an important part of Seattle's economy. However, almost all commercial deliveries are made by gas or diesel-powered vans and trucks, which contribute to poor air quality, congestion, and safety issues. The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) partnered with C40 Cities and Walker Consultants to study opportunities to more aggressively move towards zero emissions urban goods movement and how to overcome challenges such as policy, cost, route planning, and infrastructure needs. The team developed a Zero Emission Freight Implementation Plan that includes a path to adopt supportive policies and laws, and ways to incentivize the private sector to invest in zero emissions vehicles and e-cargo bikes. The Plan also lays the foundation for Seattle to create programs that could support small and medium sized businesses including an e-cargo bike lending library and neighborhood delivery hubs. The ZEV Freight Plan will support the City's ambitious goal that 30 percent of all commercial goods delivery be zero emissions by 2030, which is a key element of the City's Curbside Management 2023 Climate Plan, and aligns with Seattle's recently awarded federal SMART grant to modernize commercial vehicle loading permitting. Pittsburgh will share on their full suite of curbside approaches. The curbside area is constantly in high demand with a number of competing uses, including loading zones, mobility hubs, residential moving needs, and outdoor dining. The city has various programs that address this entire range of needs and will share how those programs are implemented and balanced in the city. For more information about this training, click here. Link: New Webinar: Evaluating the Safe Routes to School Transportation Program in Socially Vulnerable Communities in San Diego County, California Date: June 9, 2023 Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm MT/2:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET Cost: Free Organization: Safety Through Disruption (SAFE-D) This project evaluated Safe Routes 2 School (SR2S), a federally funded program, in socially vulnerable communities in San Diego County. Researchers identified injury and fatality hot spot areas for future routing improvements. Researchers then developed and designed an SR2S web-based visualization tool for easy road safety monitoring and reporting. Additionally, to strengthen community collaboration in transit safety across San Diego County, researchers created SR2S surveys and developed a virtual reality educational transit safety training game, "KIDS 4 Safe Routes VR," for children ages 11 to 14 years old. For more information about this training, click here. Link: New Webinar: Pedestrian Crash Factors, Trends, and Treatments Date: June 13, 2023 Time: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm MT/1:00 pm to 2:30 pm ET Cost: $60 Organization: Transportation Research Board (TRB) Pedestrian crashes are rising. What is driving the rise? And what cost-effective treatments can improve safety? TRB will host a webinar on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM Eastern that will examine pedestrian crash trends and analyze various contributing factors. Presenters will also provide recommendations for cost-effective safety improvements throughout the roadway network. For more information about this training, click here. Link: New Webinar: NCHRP 20-44(39) Implementation of Guidebook for Managing Data from Emerging Technologies Date: June 13, 2023 Time: 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm MT/2:00 pm to 4:00 pm ET Cost: Free Organization: National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) NCHRP Research Report 952 Guidebook (NCHRP 08-116) for Managing Data from Emerging Technologies for Transportation was published in late 2020. This guidebook is meant to help state departments of transportation (DOT) begin or further efforts toward more effectively managing and using data from emerging technologies, with a long-term goal of organization-wide shifts to modern data management practices that will carry state DOTs into the future. While the NCHRP Research Report 952 guidance is a good start to documenting modern approaches to data management for transportation agencies, these approaches represent a drastic change – a complete paradigm shift – for most DOTs. Implementing these approaches will involve non-trivial culture changes and serious reconsiderations of ingrained processes from IT to procurement to human resources. The objective of the NCHRP 20-44(39) implementation project was to bring the NCHRP Research Report 952 recommendations, roadmap, and tools to state DOTs interested in not only better managing data from emerging technologies but deriving direct benefits from using the data in ways they currently cannot, due to limitations in their existing data systems and management approaches and practices. Additionally, the NCHRP 08-116 research showed that there is often a disconnect between individual group/division needs and organization-wide IT and procurement practices. Thus, an additional objective of the project was to bring together people from different parts of an organization, provide the necessary foundational information, facilitate discussions, assist in addressing issues and concerns, and help bring about a meeting of the minds and next steps specific to the needs of the organization. In this webinar, transportation agencies participating in the NCHRP 20-44(39) project will share details of their implementation projects, including successes, challenges, and lessons learned for peer agencies. For more information about this training, click here. Link: New Webinar: Tools to Conduct Equitable Safety Data Analysis Date: June 14, 2023 Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm MT/1:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET Cost: Free Organization: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Learn about USDOT tools that can support you to equitably analyze data for roadway safety planning, project prioritization, and discretionary grant applications. - 1 to 2 pm ET – Overview presentations of ALL tools
- 2 to 3 pm ET – In-depth demonstration of ONE tool
The U.S. DOT Equitable Transportation Community (ETC) Explorer is a NEW interactive web application which uses 2020 Census Tracts and data to help practitioners distribute the benefits of investments to address transportation related causes of disadvantage. You will walk away with an understanding of how to generate scores from the tool. This score can be used in applications for USDOT discretionary grant programs or in making STIP project selections. FHWA Title VI Toolkit Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, and national origin. Learn about how to access and analyze race and ethnicity data and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) data from You will walk away with practical strategies to access and use U.S. Census data on race and ethnicity and LEP for compliance with Title VI. Screening Tool for Equity Analysis of Projects (STEAP) and HEPGIS Equity Maps You may walk away with a GIS mapping of your community overlaying demographic and crash data. My Street This NEW FHWA tool is intended for small cities and MPOs. You will walk away with a list of locations with pedestrian safety risks in your community. Before the session, visit and email "Contact" to request user access. You must also gather a zipped shapefile of your jurisdiction's pedestrian crash data. For more information about this training, click here. Link: New Webinar: Improving Safety and E-mobility through Connectivity Date: June 14, 2023 Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm MT/2:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET Cost: Free Organization: ITS America In addition to immediately enhancing safety with Day 1 use cases, equipping vehicles with C-V2X technology may also generate highly resolved traffic data that can be harnessed to enhance personal mobility and system operation. The combination of short-range and wide-area communication further enables a centralized, cloud-based repository to deliver connected services for enterprise as well as public sector use. In this webinar, participants will learn: 1. How C-V2X performs the double duty of delivering local safety and mobility benefits 2. How public and private partnerships can drive C-V2X services in North America 3. How enterprises, personal mobility providers, and the public sector can use C-V2X to build monetizable connected services 4. How electric vehicle charging infrastructure can benefit from seamless connectivity & C-V2X support For more information about this training, click here. Link: New Webinar: Putting the Proven Countermeasures to Work to Reduce Roadway Departures Part 2 Date: June 20, 2023 Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm MT/1:00 pm to 2:00 pm ET Cost: Free Organization: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Rural roadway departures account for approximately one-third of all U.S. traffic fatalities—about 30 people a day. The FHWA has identified proven countermeasures to reduce the number and severity of these crashes. This webinar will focus on how four transportation agencies are implementing these countermeasures. For more information about this training, click here. Link: |
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