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Sunday Digest | All of the Week's Infographics

Sunday Digest - Every Infographic From the Past Week View this email in your browser
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Sunday Digest: Last Week's Infographics

Here are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place! 
Survey Results: Will Global Stock Markets Crash in 2023?

How likely are the stock markets to crash in 2023, according to different countries? And how have those predictions changed over time?

Visualizing the World's Top 25 Fleets of Combat Tanks

The tank remains the backbone of modern twenty-first century armies. This infographic shows what countries have the largest combat fleets.

The Periodic Table of Commodity Returns (2013-2022)

This table shows the fluctuating returns for various commodities over the past decade, from energy fuels to industrial and precious metals.

Which Countries Are the Most Polarized?

This chart plots polarization for various countries based on the Edelman Trust Institute's annual survey of 32,000+ people.

Visualizing China's Dominance in Battery Manufacturing

This infographic breaks down battery manufacturing capacity by country in 2022 and 2027, highlighting China's manufacturing might.

What's Behind the Rise of Food Prices?

Many variables contribute to the rising cost of global food. Let's take a look at two major factors influencing food prices in recent years.

Mapping the World's Forests: How Green Is Our Globe?

Where are the world's forests? These high-resolution maps show how the world's carbon-sequestering forests are spread.

This Week's Flashback Favorites:

Animation: Using Planets to Visualize the Speed of Light

Light speed is often known as the speed limit of the universe. But in the vastness of space, even the speed of light seems slow.

Originally from February 2022

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