– It’s GivingTuesday, the day dedicated to supporting the causes closest to your heart. We hope you find great utility in our ratings and resources today.
Whether you already have charities in mind and want to search for their current ratings, or you want to discover new, highly rated organizations that align with your passions and values, rest assured, Charity Navigator has got you covered this GivingTuesday. You can even use our Giving Basket to support multiple charities in one convenient checkout, all while controlling how much of your information you share.
If everyone reading this email and utilizing our website today made even a small gift, it would go incredibly far in helping us expand the breadth and depth of our ratings in 2023.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to double your impact on Charity Navigator. The matching opportunity ends when we reach the $70,000 limit or when the clock strikes 11:59:59 PM EST, whichever happens first.
Thanks in advance for using our ratings and resources to guide your giving and including Charity Navigator on the list of organizations you are supporting this GivingTuesday. It’s our honor to help ensure that your dollars go to trustworthy charities that truly make a difference.
P.S. If you’d rather donate via mailing a check, reply to this email letting us know the amount of your gift! That way, we can count your gift towards the match. Mail your donation to the address below.
Charity Navigator P.O. Box 4009 Harlan, IA 51593
Kevin Scally (he/him) Chief Relationship Officer Charity Navigator
All gifts received through our Matching Challenge emails by the deadline of 11:59:59 pm EST, November 29, 2022, qualify for this Matching Challenge offer up to the $70,000 limit. Charity Navigator is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law, excluding the match grant amount.Click here to track our progress toward the $70,000 limit.
You are receiving this email because you opted in to be notified when we publish new ratings, about ways to stay informed with your philanthropy, and to receive other timely updates from Charity Navigator.
Kindly mail check donations to: Charity Navigator P.O. Box 4009 Harlan, IA 51593
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