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"5 Figure Day Full Throttle" Training DAY 2 - How To Get Up To 25+ Leads Per Day On Autopilot


it's Olaf here with DAY 2 of your funnel training!


As a reminder, you're receiving this (awesome) free training
after joining me here:




Today is your BIG DAY because I'm going to show you how
to start building a profitable email list with your new funnel...


A list that sends you $50...$100...$150 or more simply by
sharing affiliate products with your subscribers. 


But before we get to the good stuff, I want to quickly remind
you that at this point you should be done with your 'required
funnel set up...


If you're not set up, log in to your member area and watch the
member 'Bootcamp' video (the one at the top of your member
home page) and simply do what it says to get set up.

Briefly, there are only 2 required funnel set up steps and
they're super easy, as follows:


Please watch the Bootcamp/getting started video video


...With that out of the way, let's start building your list!


Fortunately, your autonomous funnel makes list building


You don't need a website, because you've already got
your fully hosted funnel.


You don't need an email list, because you're going to
be building one from scratch.


You don't need any experience, because your training
is right here (and in the member Bootcamp video).


...Literally, the ONLY thing you have to do to begin
bringing in leads is to start sharing your funnel link
with others.


You have access to 5 funnels and you can use any of the

5 that you like


==>Click here to login


As I mentioned before, your funnel is a special breed
of website. Visitors to your site 'funnel through' a series
of pages that are engineered to build your email list
and affiliate income, effortlessly.


Now, the FIRST page in your funnel is called a 'squeeze
page', or 'email capture page'...


What you'll soon be doing is placing ads online that
contain your funnel link. When people see your ad,
they can click on your funnel link within the ad...


And upon doing so, they'll land on your squeeze
page where they can subscribe to your email list...


These are your 'direct' subscribers. The more traffic
you can send into your funnel by placing ads online,
the more subscribers you'll get - meaning you'll have
more people on your email list that you can send
offers to, which in turn means more CASH potential.


But hold on, because here's where things get REALLY


Your funnel is also connected to an ingenious referral
system that can send you additional leads on true
AUTOPILOT (on top of all your direct leads)...


Here's how your autopilot list-builder works:


Every person that joins your email list is also invited
to join as a member under you, meaning your sub-
scribers can also become your 'member referrals'...


Your member referrals receive their OWN replicated
funnels, including a special built-in page called a 'double
squeeze page'. The double squeeze page is actually a
*second* email capture page in every funnel...


And 'you'll never guess' whose email list information
is automatically hardcoded into the double squeeze
page of all your member referrals?


...Lol, it is of course YOUR email list hardcoded in!


...The result is that as your member referrals take action
by promoting THEIR funnels, they're building YOUR email
list FOR you as their visitors 'funnel through' and land on
double squeeze pages hard coded with YOUR list info...


...Meaning unlimited leads on 100% autopilot!


IMPORTANT: I'm assuming you've already created 

a free 5FD account


Now, to actually begin getting subscribers, you want to start
sending TRAFFIC into your funnel by sharing your funnel link
and placing ads online as I alluded to a few moments ago.


To get started, click on the ''launch" link at the top 


You'll be taken to a page called 'Your Traffic Suite' which
has EVERYTHING you need to start sending traffic to
your funnel...


This includes ready-made ads that are already 'pre-populated'
with your funnel link (in the case of email ads your funnel link
is in the email, and in the case of the banner ads your funnel
link is in the copy and paste HTML code for each banner).


But what you'll want to do before picking out an ad is to
read over the material in the 'Top Tier Traffic Sources'
section - also on the 'Your Traffic Suite' page.  My
advice is to focus on email marketing first and foremost
because that's what all the top members are using.


You can also use free traffic methods but obviously that
takes more time and effort and I know you want leads
coming in ASAP.


Also, it really goes without saying but if you already
have another email list of your own you can (also)
heavily promote your funnel to your list as a way to
get free traffic quickly.


Once you've picked out a traffic method and traffic
source - for example running email solo ads on
Udimi.com - you can pick out a suitable ad... In
the case of this example you'd pick out one of the
ready-made email solo ads since Udimi.com is
a venue where solo ads are bought and sold.


You can do this!!


Here's a quick recap on how to start sending traffic
(and don't forget that your member boot camp video
has lots more info):


1. Click on the 'launch' tab at the top right
in your Control Panel to go to your Traffic Center.


2. Read through the traffic sources and training
available in the 'Top Tier Traffic Sources' menu
to explore your traffic options.


3. Pick a traffic method (e.g. 'email solo ads'
and a related traffic source (e.g. 'Udimi.com').


4. Pick out a related ready-made ad that fits
your selected traffic method and traffic source
from above.


5. Schedule your ad (if scheduling is required)
or start promoting as necessary according to
your selected traffic method.


6. Sit back and watch your new cash-on-demand
email list begin to grow both directly AND on
AUTOPILOT as your subscriber-referrals begin
to take action also!




Every email subscriber that you get is worth an
estimated $1 to $2 *each*. That's literally the 'going
rate' for Internet marketing leads and what top online
marketers are willing to pay.


They're willing to pay that much because of the
EASY money (up to $10,000 per month or more)
that can be made simply by blasting product and
affiliate offers out to their lists.


So once you've built an email list of 50 subscribers,
you have a list worth $50. Once you've received, say,
600 subscribers via your funnel, you'll have a list
worth $600.  And so on! You get the idea...


And thus the reason why EVERYBODY wants an
email list. Where else can a person make up to
$10,000 or more per month simply by sending
out emails?!


......Well, that's a 'wrap' for day 2 my friend. Coming
up next I'm gonna show you how to get PAID to build
your email list. More specifically, I'm gonna show you
how to stuff your account with up to $300+ from every
single funnel visitor you receive!


You do NOT want to miss it, so keep an eye out!

Talk soon,

PS. Don't miss my future upcoming email messages, I'll be sharing more training, tips, and tools to help you move forward in your online business

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