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Your CliftonStrengths Newsletter

December 2021: Looking Back on the Year
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Here's something to reflect on: If the odds of having the same top five strengths in the exact same order as someone else is 1 in 33 million, consider how many ways there are to actually put those strengths to use. How you use your strengths is as unique to you as what your strengths are. That's pretty amazing when you stop and think about it.

And in 2021, we did ask you to think about it.

We wanted to know how people use their strengths in their careers, leadership roles, families and more. So, we published some content to help you do just that. Check out these top articles (and one resource) from 2021 to help you continue to develop your strengths in 2022 and beyond.

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Top Content
Our Best Content From 2021
7 Must-Read CliftonStrengths Articles From 2021
These seven articles will help further develop your strengths — they represent some of the top strengths content of 2021. Check them out to learn more.

Here's a preview of some of that great content:

Great Leaders Have These Behaviors in Common
"Whether you're a CEO, team leader or entrepreneur, Gallup's science uncovered seven universal behaviors that directly affect performance and big-picture outcomes. In fact, these seven behaviors apply to many roles — they are crucial behaviors that define a high-performance workplace."
How Your Strengths Set You Apart
"The combinations of talents are so unique that the chance that two people share the same top five CliftonStrengths themes in the same order is an astonishing one in 33 million."
One Question to Answer Before Deciding Your Career Path
"One of the best ways to end up in the kind of career that earns you respect, recognition, success and happiness is to do more of what you're good at …"
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