-- It's Kyle at Charity Navigator. I'm just following up on our note from earlier in the week to underscore the importance of supporting Charity Navigator directly, point #5 in that email.
I sincerely hope I can count on you to make a tax-deductible gift to Charity Navigator today. A donation of any amount will truly make a difference and help us expand the breadth and depth of our ratings and resources, all in an effort to better serve you.
Unfortunately, less than 1% of our site's visitors financially support us. If everyone reading this email made a gift of even $15, it would go a long way in helping us make some ideas for big innovations a reality in 2022 and beyond.
Thanks in advance for your support, today, and I hope you had a happy and healthy holiday season.
All my best, Kyle
P.S. Want to make a 2021 tax-deductible donation via check, but concerned it won't get to us in time? No worries! Any donations in envelopes postmarked by 12/31 will count as a 2021 tax-deductible donation. Just reply to this email with the amount you intend to give so we can keep an eye out for your gift.
The mailing address for check donations in support of Charity Navigator:
Charity Navigator P.O. Box 4009 Harlan, IA 51593
Kyle Garder, CFRE (he/him/his) | Director of Direct Response CHARITY NAVIGATOR | Your Guide to Intelligent Giving
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Charity Navigator Team <> Date: Monday, December 13, 2021 at 11:00 AM Subject: 5 Best Ways to Give this Holiday Season To:
Hi -- This December, millions of donors across America will use Charity Navigator to inform their giving. Will you be adding Charity Navigator to your Giving Equation? Check out our top 5 ways to give with confidence this holiday season.
Distribute funds straight from your IRA. Required Minimum Distributions are back in action in 2021, and Qualified Charitable Contributions are always an option–so make sure you designate those gifts before December 15 to ensure they arrive this year!
Donate your Cryptocurrency. Just like stocks, you can save on capital gains tax and give more to charities of your choice.
Support Charity Navigator directly. Elevate the entire nonprofit sector with a gift to Charity Navigator and help us expand our free-to-use ratings and resources.
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