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$ADS QuickSwap Listing Part 2 - The Dragon's Lair Has Opened

QuickSwap Listing Expands the $ADS Ecosystem

Dear Friends and Partners,

Last week that $ADS achieved a new milestone in our Business Development Roadmap, listing and liquidity on one of the top automated market maker (AMM) decentralized exchanges, QuickSwap

The impact of last week's listing announcement is already visible: $ADS was in the top 10 of the largest price changes on QuickSwap with a 48% increase. Liquidity has also increased by more than 80% for the moment.

The decentralized advertising revolution is on its way.

Today we are thrilled to announce that the Dragon's Lair has opened, and this pool of rewards of 2 $QUICK for providing liquidity has now been increased to 4 $QUICK per day on the USDC-ADS pair and another 4 $QUICK per day for QUICK-ADS pair (more then $5600 at time of writing) to those in the liquidity pool.

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