Today, you're going to code Swift! You'll learn about the iOS ecosystem, how to use variables and functions, and how they make up 85% of programming. We've discussed how you can build iOS apps in previous lessons. Let's make it more practical! Today's lesson includes video tutorials on the basics of iOS development. You'll also get to use Swift Sandboxes. They are small code editors with 2-3 lines of Swift code. You can directly try out Swift code as you're learning it, and that's super helpful. In this lesson you'll learn: Use the above links to get started, or click on one of the links below to start a video screencast: - Learn about the iOS Ecosystem
- Learn about Variables
- Learn about Functions
- Get started with Playgrounds
- Swift Playgrounds Exercises
Even if you're already familiar with variables and functions in Swift, I recommend you check out the above videos. They explain Swift syntax very thoroughly – I bet there's more for you to discover. Good luck! —Reinder |
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