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Do you have "gaps" in your knowledge of iOS development?


Self-taught developers often have "gaps" in their knowledge of iOS development.

That's because you mix-and-match iOS tutorials, blogs and StackOverflow answers. You're likely to miss out on important concepts, techniques and principles, when you learn with that approach.

I made a quiz to help you find those "gaps". It's for beginners and intermediate-level developers, and it focuses on the crucial aspects of beginning iOS development.

The quiz is personalized, so it'll give you advice and recommendations based on your input. It's a great way to find out what to learn next.

Go to the iOS Basics Quiz

While knowing the basics is often enough to learn more about iOS development on your own, it's much easier when you're supplied with the know-how, syntax, tools, principles and instructions you need to become a professional iOS developer.

So here's what's happening next Monday:

My iOS development course, which has taught iOS developers all around the globe with the know-how and specific tools they need to build professional iOS apps, is currently available on my website.

But next week, it's going on sale.

I won't tell you the details right now, but if the following are true—mark your calendar for next Monday:

  • You got a lot out of this free course, and you've learned how you can apply basic principles and concepts to learn more about iOS development.
  • You're interested in a structured, well-organised and immersive course that will teach you the ins and outs of professional iOS development.
  • You want to get hired as a professional iOS developer, but you don't have the required experience yet.

Keep an eye on your inbox. See you on Monday!



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