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Weekly Digest: Professor Denis Noble, a Distinguished Scholar in Physiology from Oxford University, Ignites Bio Research in Daegu-Gyeongbuk, and more

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Press Releases

Professor Denis Noble, a Distinguished Scholar in Physiology from Oxford University, Ignites Bio Research in Daegu-Gyeongbuk
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
- A pioneer of systems biology who challenged Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene, appointed as the first Chair Professor of DGIST Biomedical Engineering Department opening in March.

DGIST Develops a Smart Adhesive Electrode That Avoids Nerve Damage!
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
- DGIST Professor Sohee Kim's research team has developed the world's first three-dimensional neural electrode that deforms smoothly using soft actuation technology. - It is expected to be used in various next-generation soft bioelectronic devices, including electroceuticals for peripheral nerve tr

DGIST Undergraduate Alumni Demonstrate Academic Excellence by Securing Professorships at Major Universities in Korea
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
DGIST Undergraduate Alumni Demonstrate Academic Excellence by Securing Professorships at Major Universities in Korea

DGIST Holds 2025 Spring Commencement Ceremony in February
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
- grants degrees to 60 PhD, 72 master's, and 128 bachelor's students, fostering 260 talented individuals of science and technology

Government, research, academic and industry sectors join Lingnan University Technology Transfer Forum in Qianhai Shenzhen to advance cutting-edge technology and interdisciplinary collaboration
Lingnan University hosts the Technology Transfer Forum in Qianhai Shenzhen.
By Lingnan University (LU)
Lingnan University held its inaugural Technology Transfer Forum today, 28 February, at the Qianhai International Talent Hub in Shenzhen. Supported by the Innovation and Technology Fund of the Innovation and Technology Commission, the forum focused on "Building a Smart Future for Sustainability".

How Do Asians Express Emotions Through Body Movement?
By Tohoku University
Researchers used motion capture technology to create a database of body language – ranging from happiness to contempt – targeted towards an Asian population for the first time.

E. coli strain in Egyptian dairy products also found in Japan school outbreak
Researchers found one of the E. coli strains isolated in cheese in Egypt in 2018 had the same properties as the E. coli in the milk that caused food poisoning in more than 1,800 schoolchildren in Toyama Prefecture in Japan in 2021.
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Popular milk and dairy products in Egypt show over 25% prevalence of E. coli

Unraveling the origin of extremely bright quantum emitters
By Osaka University
A multi-institutional research team led by Osaka University clarified the energy levels of color centers at the SiO2/SiC interface, paving the way toward the development of scalable quantum technologies that use them as single-photon emitters.

Unraveling How a 'Magnetic Twist' Induces One-Way Electric Flow
By Tohoku University
A twist you'll never see coming: a breakthrough in understanding the relationship between chirality and electric flow at a microscopic level may help us develop chiral information technology.

A Lightweight Flexible Alloy for Extreme Temperatures
By Tohoku University
Strong, lightweight, superelastic, and able to function across a range of temperatures, this newly developed alloy could be a game-changer for space exploration and medical technology.

Pioneering work generates feline embryonic stem cells in boon for cats
New advancements in veterinary regenerative medicine plausible with these pluripotent cells.
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Advancement in veterinary regenerative medicine can help domestic and endangered wild cats alike

Feeding anemone: Symbiote fish actively feed hosts in wild
Anemonefish seem to understand what food to feed their host sea anemones for their mutual benefit.
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Anemonefish provision food they don't eat to increase size of host sea anemones

Double network hydrogel polymers with rapid self-strengthening abilities
A double network hydrogel being stretched to different lengths. The necked region of the hydrogel indicates rupture of the first polymer network (Photo: WPI-ICReDD).
By Hokkaido University
New double network hydrogel technology features automated self-strengthening that rapidly activates upon deformation of its polymer network.

Researchers Uncover Key Insights into CO₂ Reduction Using SnO-Based Electrocatalysts
By Tohoku University
The less carbon dioxide polluting our air, the better. Researchers are investigating non-toxic, low-cost electrocatalysts to turn our sustainability goals into reality.

Adsorptive Regolith on Mars Soaks Up Water, Researchers Reveal
By Tohoku University
Tohoku University researchers are looking underfoot to uncover the mysterious past of Mars: Martian regoliths in the soil. Their water storage capabilities may help us understand the change in water on Mars over time.

At your service: How older adults embrace demand-responsive transportation
Demand responsive transport in Senboku New Town, Osaka
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Unveiling the acceptance of new public mobility services for older adults

1st Japanese version of U.S. psychological scale for esophageal symptoms
A questionnaire translated into Japanese can help practitioners understand psychological effects on esophageal symptoms.
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Verifying the Esophageal Hypervigilance and Anxiety Scale for clinical use

Healing the Broken Heart: How a Key Junctional Protein May Unlock the Potential of Cardiac Regeneration
By National Taiwan University
N-Cadherin is found to boost cardiomyocyte regeneration after injury by stabilizing β-Catenin, suggesting a potential new way to improve the function of human failing hearts.

Strike That — How Carrom Became India's Favourite Game at Home
By MAP Academy
A popular pastime in South and Southeast Asia, carrom is played by flicking and pocketing coin-like discs across a smooth tabletop made of wood. Did you know that this game, which originated in India, is now played professionally in competitions across the West?

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