The Antarctic midge, the only known insect native to Antarctica, uses both dormancy and delayed development to survive the extreme climate. This allows the larvae to emerge as adults at the same time to mate when summer arrives.
Singapore scientists discovered that live microbes play a direct role in regulating brain activity linked to anxiety. This opens up possibilities for probiotic-based therapies to improve mental health.
Traces of rope-making, fishing hooks and deep ocean fish were found in archaeological sites in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Timor-Leste, indicating advanced ancient seafaring in the region.
Due to the rise of large-scale fires and blurring boundaries between urban and wildland areas, experts are updating testing standards to lessen the impact of fires and increase resilience of buildings.
A new versatile smart patch can monitor biometric signals then automatically deliver drugs based on real-time data. Researchers expect further applications in glucose management, pain relief, and chronic disease treatment.
An astronomer found gas flowing out of a galaxy 12 billion years ago, shutting down its star formation during the early Universe, and suggests the cause may be a supermassive blackhole.
This month's speaker was Ruby Shaira Panela from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), who shared about her experiences in using traditional media and social media strategies for science communication.
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