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[Go Make Things] Managing your energy and having a mix of tasks as a developer with ADHD

Today, I wanted to talk about the importance of having a mix of meaningful project work and mindless tasks when you're a developer with ADHD.

Let's dig in!

Having control over your work

I started a job at Nebula.tv back in January.

I had been self-employed for about three years, and I'd worked in a job where I had tremendous amounts of autonomy to set my own tasks for about eight years before that.

Unlike my last two jobs, Nebula has a proper task/ticketing system to distribute work over a team of developers.

One thing I hadn't really consciously realized until I started working here was how important having a mix of big, challenging tasks and small, mindless ones is for my energy management.

The ebbs and flows of productivity

Generally speaking, my ADHD thrives on challenging, meaningful work. Building out new features is fun, and the novelty of them is motivating… most days!

Sometimes, though, I have a day where my brain just isn't quite there. Other times, I'll wrap up a stretch of deep work, and my brain will be spent. Or maybe I've got a day of meetings, with some small gaps between them, which triggers ADHD waiting mode.

Picking your tasks is an ADHD accommodation

Having a mix of tasks to choose from based on my current mood, energy, and mental state is a major ADHD accommodation.

It means I can dive into those deep tasks when I have some large and uninterrupted chunks of time, and do some more menial bug fix work when my day is heavily interrupted or my brain just isn't in it.

It's a nice alternative to just staring at a screen hoping your brain will start working!

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