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[Go Make Things] Lessons from the past

This week, I've been listening to a lot of Dead Prez, a hip-hop duo I used to a lot back in high school.

They were extremely political even for the time. The album of theirs I'm most familiar, lets get free, is filled with messages of socialism, anarchism, and mutual aid.

It also has one one of the best rap songs ever made, Hip Hop

Beyond that incredible bass line, the lyrics cut deep…

You would rather a Lexus or justice?
A dream or some substance?
A bimmer, a necklace, or freedom?

And part 2, it's bigger than hip hop, opens with this absolute fire…

One thing about music: when its real, they get scared.
Got us slaving for the welfare.
Ain't no food, clothes, or healthcare.

If you like this sort of thing, They Schools and Animal in Man (a retelling of Animal Farm) are well worth a listen.

Listening to this songs with fresh eyes 25 years later sent me down a rabbit hole this weekend of watching some videos on mutual aid and the Black Panthers, and the importance of "third spaces" in communities.

One thing that's become increasingly obvious to me is that a lot of my time would be better spent physically gathering people together to talk, share food, and identify real needs in our communities.

If you're someone who wants to make a meaningful impact today and dislikes the glacial pace of corporate and political structures, get out there organize a picnic.

It literally starts there.

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