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[Go Make Things] Just go for it. Or just sleep on it.

Inside my ADHD brain are two wolves…

  1. The wolf that overanalyzes everything.
  2. The wolf that says "YOLO" and leaps off a cliff.

The overanalytical wolf gets bogged down in details.

If I'm planning out some code, I'll get lost in the weeds and the various specifics of the "right way" to structure things. If I'm thinking through a strategic problem or a design decision, I'll fret over the "right way" to address it.

To quote the great sage Van Wilder

Worrying is like a rocking chair. It'll give you something to do, but it won't get you anywhere.

Bad code can literally kill people, but you're not there yet. You're trying something. You haven't shipped it.

Worst case scenario: you try something, it fails and you toss it out, but now you've learn what to do differently next time.

But ADHD brains like mine also sometimes lack impulse control.

This can be a gift! ADHD folks can be a lot more likely to take healthy risks, not just bad ones. This makes you exceptional innovator. That voice that tells someone not to explore a new idea because it'll never work? You don't have that! You just go for it!

But it can also cause ADHD folks to just blow everything up and start from scratch when we feel bored or overwhelmed. And that's not great.

When you're feeling like you're spinning tires, don't just go for it.

Step away, sleep on it, and come back in a day or five with fresh eyes and a fresh perspective.

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