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Weekly Digest: Asia Research News 2025 - Editor's desk, and more ...

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Asia Research News 2025 - Editor's desk
Asia Research News 2025 Editors Desk
We are pleased to bring you Asia Research News 2025 magazine in our 21st year communicating science for Asia.

A foray into the theory of mechanochemical reaction rates
(left) Example of a ball mill apparatus used for mechanochemical reactions. (right) A schematic diagram of a mechanochemical reaction using a ball mill and the influence of mechanical force on the formation of products from reactants. (Photo: Ito lab; Illustration: Tetsuya Yamamoto, et al. RSC Mechanochemistry. December 7, 2024)
By Hokkaido University
A new theory predicts one of the effects of macroscopic mechanical forces on mechanochemical organic synthesis by a ball mill.

How the Humble Spinning Wheel Became a Symbol of India's Freedom Struggle
By MAP Academy
From an ancient Buddhist symbol representing the wheel of law to an enduring icon of self-reliance and resistance in the early twentieth century, the charkha, a hand-driven spinning wheel, and the chakra, the flat-spoked wheel with which it is often conflated, have lived many lives in South Asia.

Unlocking the secrets to a longer, healthier life
hand and key
By Duke-NUS Medical School
At Duke-NUS Medical School scientists are pioneering breakthroughs in precision medicine and regenerative therapies, targeting everything from muscle loss to dramatically extending our years of health.

The hunt for single-electron bonds
X-ray diffractor
By Hokkaido University
A century-old theory proposed by Nobel laureate Linus Pauling has been proven by scientists in Japan.

AI predicts the properties of polymers
robot and atomic structure
By National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
The algorithm uses data from existing materials to accurately predict the strength and flexibility of new unknown polymers.

Pushing the needle towards greener, safer transport
electric vehicle
Three researchers at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) are pioneering diverse technologies for greener, safer, and more efficient transport.

Shape matters
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
Ultrasound charging for biomedical devices penetrates the body better and researchers have shown that the receiver's shape improves energy transfer.

The elephant on the wall
Sample fungus tiles
Inspired by elephants, researchers grow fungus in elephant-skin patterns to create better insulation for buildings.

Kirigami hydrogels rise from cellulose film
close-up of leaf
By National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Nanopapers that swell into larger 3D structures pave the path towards designs of intelligent materials like robotic sensors and tissue engineering.

Solving climate mysteries with corals
Great Barrier reef
By Hokkaido University
Tsuyoshi Watanabe uses corals to understand the environment of the past and what it can tell us about people living then.

Sensing shape without touch
palm print
By National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Touch sensors for robots and bionic applications can now work from 100 mm away, offering new sensitivity for 3D recognition and wireless data transmission.

A wrinkle for light
streaks of light
By National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
A new model for light emission from ultrathin materials could ease the development of photonic devices and quantum technology.

Knowledge for the excluded
Refugees at Cox's Bazar
By International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
An inclusive Myanmar must include all voices. One voice is from the Rohingya, who have faced persecution for many years.

New twist to gecko-inspired robots
By National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
The sticky secret of a gecko's foot has inspired scientists to develop robots that can pick up and release fragile objects without damage.

A new spin on materials
By National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Electron spin states can now be efficiently explored at much higher resolution, opening new opportunities for faster electronics including quantum computers.

Travelling back to the early Universe
Carina Nebula
By Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU)
Astronomer John Silverman works just outside of Tokyo but spends his days with some of the world's biggest telescopes in Hawaii, Chile, and space to study the earliest black holes in the Universe.

How viruses exit cells
virus cells
By National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
A newly designed model system simulates how viruses exit cells, offering potential advancements in targeted drug delivery and biotechnology.

Iron and gas therapy for oral cancer
cancer cells
By National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
A new treatment with iron nanoparticles and nitric oxide gas shows promise in destroying oral cancer cells.

By the numbers: Diarylethene crystal orientation controlled for 1st time
Diarylethene crystal patterning
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Novel crystal patterning method shows promise for photomechanical applications

Welcoming the Year of the Snake: Lingnan University scholar recounts the symbolism of the snake in Chinese culture
Prof Cai Zongqi, Director of the Advanced Institute for Global Chinese Studies of Lingnan University.
By Lingnan University (LU)
To celebrate the upcoming Chinese New Year of the Snake, Prof Cai Zongqi, Director of the Advanced Institute for Global Chinese Studies of Lingnan University, and Mr Jerry Wang Junzhe, Research Officer of the Advanced Institute for Global Chinese Studies, searched the rich anecdotes related to the s

Springer Nature and the University of Tokyo to hold SDGs Symposium 2025 on tackling inequalities for sustainability and wellbeing
By Springer Nature
A symposium that will discuss how to address multifaceted challenges of inequality and promote science for sustainability will take place in person and online on February 8, 2025.

Gut microbes with the gbu genes determine TMAO production from L-carnitine intake and serve as a biomarker for precision nutrition
By National Taiwan University
The study identifies gut microbes and genes that regulate TMAO production from L-carnitine, offering potential for personalized nutrition strategies.

Bioluminescent cell imaging gets a glow-up
By Osaka University
Researchers from Osaka University have developed a groundbreaking method to expand the palette of bioluminescent protein colors for cell labeling. By creating 20 distinct colors, they have enabled the simultaneous detection of multiple labeled cells using a standard camera.

Researchers Unlock New Insights into Tin-Based Catalysts for Electrochemical CO₂ Reduction
By Tohoku University
A group of researchers have analyzed thousands of reports from the past decade, identifying a tin-based catalyst that aids the production of formic acid, an indispensable chemical in various industries, and makes the process greener.

Biodegradable nylon precursor produced through artificial photosynthesis
Producing precursor for a nylon-type biodegradable plastic
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Technology uses biomass-derived compounds and ammonia to produce an eco-friendly alternative plastic

Shorter, Smarter, Safer: Short-course antibiotics can revolutionise healthcare
By Duke-NUS Medical School
Researchers from the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS Medicine) and Duke-NUS Medical School have provided compelling evidence that short-course antibiotic treatments can be a game-changer in tackling ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), a serious infection com

Dolphins use a 'fat taste' system to get their mother's milk
The suckling behavior of a wild Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin. (Photo provided by Takashi Hayakawa, © Mikurashima Tourism Association)
By Hokkaido University
Juvenile dolphins were found to have specialized receptors for fatty acids on their tongues, offering new insights into their growth and feeding habits.

Lingnan University AI expert Prof Xin Yao elected 2024 Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering
Prof Xin Yao, Vice-President (Research and Innovation) and Tong Tin Sun Chair Professor of Machine Learning at Lingnan University, is elected 2024 Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering (HKAE).
By Lingnan University (LU)
Prof Xin Yao, Vice-President (Research and Innovation) and Tong Tin Sun Chair Professor of Machine Learning of Lingnan University in Hong Kong has been elected Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering (HKAE) for the year 2024.

Produce and Store Energy? DGIST Successfully Developed Next-Gen Eco-Friendly Artificial Muscle Fibers
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
- A research team led by Senior Researcher Sangkyoo Lim has successfully developed biomass-based shape memory polymer fibers capable of simultaneously producing and storing energy. - These artificial muscle fibers, which can lift loads exceeding 56,000 times their own weight, are expected to find a

DGIST Professor Hongsoo Choi Selected as a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), One of the World's Most Renowned Academic Societies
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
DGIST Professor Hongsoo Choi Selected as a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), One of the World's Most Renowned Academic Societies

Smart Textile to Sense Light, Pressure, Smell, and Even Taste—Successfully Developed Next-Gen Fibers That Will Change the Future of Wearable Technologies
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
- Joint research team from DGIST, KAIST, Ajou University, and Soongsil University successfully developed next-gen fibers with a multifunctional and three-dimensional structure - The results of the study were published as a cover article in Advanced Fiber Materials, one of the most prestigious inter

DGIST Pioneered an Unknown Quantum World by Discovering a "1/3" Fractional Quantum State!
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
- A joint research team from DGIST and KAIST, in collaboration with Japanese and German researchers, discovered an unprecedented 1/3 fractional quantum Hall state - The research provides key clues to developing next-generation electronic devices in quantum computing

Memes improve learning and attitude towards science, Ateneo study finds
Daenerys Targaryen's curls used to illustrate the difference between RNA and DNA
By Ateneo de Manila University
Using internet memes to teach science can significantly improve learning outcomes for senior high school students.

The Art and Science of Twisting Light
By Singapore University of Technology and Design
SUTD researchers designed a novel nonlinear chiral metasurface that could generate circularly polarized light more easily, expanding optics-based applications.

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