Tuesday, December 31, 2024
BTS Updates National Transportation Statistics 12/31/2024 Tuesday, December 31, 2024 The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) today released its monthly update to National Transportation Statistics (NTS), a guide to historical national-level transportation trends. This month's updated data tables include Gasoline Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Sales; Average Age of Automobiles and Trucks in Operation; U.S.-Canadian and U.S.-Mexican Border Land-Freight Gateway Travel and Goods Movement; Waterborne Transportation Safety and Property Damage Statistics; U.S. Gross Domestic Product Attributed to For-Hire Transportation Services and Functions; Contributions to U.S. Gross Domestic Product by Selected Industries; Labor Productivity Indices for Selected Transportation Industries; Air Pollution Trends in Selected Metropolitan Statistical Areas; and Leaking Underground Storage Tank Releases and Cleanups. Recently Updated Tables by Topics: Vehicle, Aircraft, and Vessel Inventory - Gasoline Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Sales (1-19)
Condition - Average Age of Automobiles and Trucks in Operation in the United States (1-26)
Travel and Goods Movement - U.S.-Canadian Border Land-Freight Gateways: Number of Incoming Truck or Rail Container Crossings (1-52)
- U.S.-Canadian Border Land-Freight Gateways: Number of Incoming Truck or Train Crossings (1-53)
- U.S.-Mexican Border Land-Freight Gateways: Number of Incoming Truck or Rail Container Crossings (1-54)
- U.S.-Mexican Border Land-Freight Gateways: Number of Incoming Truck and Train Crossings (1-55)
Water Safety - Waterborne Transportation Safety and Property Damage Data Related to Vessel Casualties (2-45)
- Waterborne Transportation Safety Data not Related to Vessel Casualties (2-46)
Transportation and the Economy - U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Attributed to For-Hire Transportation Services (billions of current dollars) (3-1)
- U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Attributed to For-Hire Transportation Services (billions of chained 2017 dollars) (3-2)
- U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Attributed to Transportation Functions (billions of current dollars) (3-3)
- U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Attributed to Transportation Functions (billions of chained 2017 dollars) (3-4)
- Contributions to U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Selected Industries (billions of current dollars) (3-7)
- Contributions to U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Selected Industries (billions of chained 2017 dollars) (3-8)
Transportation Revenues, Employment, and Productivity - Labor Productivity Indices for Selected Transportation Industries (3-28)
Air Pollution - Air Pollution Trends in Selected Metropolitan Statistical Areas (4-51)
Water Pollution, Noise, and Solid Waste - Leaking Underground Storage Tank Releases and Cleanups (4-55)
Contact: BTSNews@dot.gov U.S. Department of Transportation | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington DC 20590 | 855-368-4200 |  | |
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