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Weekly Digest: 500 students and faculty celebrate Lingnan University’s International Day, Supporting the HKSAR Government’s ‘Study in Hong Kong�

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500 students and faculty celebrate Lingnan University's International Day, Supporting the HKSAR Government's 'Study in Hong Kong' brand initiative
Prof S. Joe Qin, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science of Lingnan University, visits the Mongolian booth for an exchange.
By Lingnan University (LU)
In light of the Government's recent Policy Address promoting Hong Kong as an international hub for post-secondary education, and to build the "Study in Hong Kong" brand, Lingnan University gave its annual International Day on 29 October a "Cultural Fusion, Global Vision" theme.

Weekly News Bites: Stingless bee honey, solar-powered cells, and a fool's gold fossil
By Asia Research News
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are healthy honey from a stingless bee, hybrid animal-plant cells, and an ancient arthropod found in fool's gold.

A climate lesson in Nan Madol, Venice of the Pacific: Collapse of a Pacific chiefdom 600 years ago
By National Taiwan University
The international team, led by Distinguished Chair Professor Chuan-Chou Shen of the Department, of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, uncovered Nan Madol's history by analyzing the ages of the site's coral rubbles.

High-tech tracking technology streamlines drug discovery
By Osaka University
A team from Osaka University has developed a large-scale drug screening technique that can track target molecule behavior within cells. The researchers verified their technique by testing the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), a known target for cancer drugs.

From Japan – A new portal integrating genome variants and protein structures
By Osaka University
A new portal linking Japanese genetic variant information with protein sequence and structure date has been launched by Protein Data Bank Japan (PDBj) and Tohoku University Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization (ToMMo).

Landmark 20-year study of climate change impact on permafrost forests
Micrometeorological observation tower in Alaska
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Data could help rethink climate change models regarding sources of carbon and CO2 sinks

How Life Began on Earth: Modeling Earth's Ancient Atmosphere
By Tohoku University
This model reveals how vastly different the atmosphere was on ancient Earth, and how life may have first emerged.

Smart sensor patch detects health symptoms through edge computing
The smart sensor patch is fabricated on a supporting film so that it may be peeled off and stuck onto the skin. (Guren Matsumura, et al. Device. October 21, 2024)
By Hokkaido University
Edge computing on a smartphone has been used to analyze data collected by a multimodal flexible wearable sensor patch and detect arrhythmia, coughs and falls.

Keeping close watch on stem cells
By Osaka University
Researchers at Osaka University have developed a new imagining system to monitor pluripotent stem cells during incubation. The new device — INSPCTOR — uses lens-free imaging technology integrated with thin-film transistors.

Spin current observations from organic semiconductor side
Measurements of spin currents in the hybrid interface of a device with a ferromagnetic (Py) layer and an organic semiconductor (PANI) layer.
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Polymer's long spin relaxation time helps researchers gain spintronic insights

Spirited away: Key protein aids transport within plant cells
How boric acid channels make their way to the plasma membrane
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Arabidopsis thaliana mutant's lack of KNS3 means boric acid channels don't arrive properly at plasma membrane

AI assistants offer challenging choice: Japanese consumers value transparency over performance and sustainability
By Osaka University
Researchers from Osaka University found that Japanese consumers prioritize transparency over performance, while still valuing performance over environmental sustainability when choosing AI assistants. Although transparency was the most important factor, cost remained a critical consideration.

Advanced biodegradable plastics run rings around their predecessors
By Osaka University
Researchers from Osaka University overcame the tradeoff between plastic toughness and degradability by developing plastics with movable crosslinks.

Global Development Conference 2024: Building Global Synergies for Climate Resilience
By Asia Research News
GDC 2024 will explore how social, economic, and political factors influence the effectiveness of climate resilience strategies.

Sorghum's bioactive compounds could improve modern diets
The six cultivars of sorghum investigated in this study (Photo: Ali Khoddami)
By Hokkaido University
Sorghum possesses unique lipid profiles and bioactive compounds that support health and meet the demand for health-promoting food products.

EDUtech Asia 2024 Returns for Its 9th Edition: Uniting Educators to Reimagine the Future of Education with Technology
28 October 2024, Singapore – EDUtech Asia 2024, will be back for its 9th edition from 6 to 7 November.

Quality control in artificial photosynthesis: validating natural antenna mimicry
3D model of reconstructed LHCII
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Scientists develop new approach to analyze 3D structure of lab-made photosynthetic antenna

Lingnan University hosts the kick-off ceremony of the mentorship programmes as students innovate and aim for success in Hong Kong and the GBA
Lingnan University hosts the kick-off ceremony of the Mentorship Programmes 2024-25. (From left: Ms Yilia Xu, Chairman of Lingnan University Postgraduate Alumni Association (LUPAA); Prof Li Donghui, Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs) of Lingnan University; Prof Raymond Chan Hon-fu, Vice-President (Academics) cum Provost; Ms Carrie Leung, Chairman of Career Development Committee & Council and Court Member of Lingnan University; Ms Irene Ng Wai-ming, Director of Student Affairs.)
By Lingnan University (LU)
Themed 'Forging Connections, Cultivating Talents', the opening ceremony for the 2024-25 Lingnan University Mentorship Programmes was held at the Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel on 26 October 2024.

Turning up the signal
By Osaka University
Researchers from Osaka University show that the improvements in signal strength during surface-enhanced fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy can extend even through a nanoscale protective layer.

Improvement of Catalytic Activity by Controlling the Surface Structure of Metal Particles
By Tohoku University
Researchers at Tohoku University and the Tokyo University of Science are finding new ways to make the hydrogen evolution reaction harder, better, faster, and stronger!

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