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[Go Make Things] Build the web better

🔥 Black Friday Sale! Today through Monday, you can join the Lean Web Club for just $9/month. Try it free for 30 days, then get 50% off for the next year.

I've got a new focus for Go Make Things…

Build the web better.

Today, I wanted to tell you all about it, and the various changes I've made to this site, to the Lean Web Club, and to how I run my business.

Let's dig in!

Beyond JavaScript

For nearly a decade, I was heavily focused on JavaScript. On the web, I'm still known as "the vanilla JS guy" by a lot of people.

But I'm a front-end developer, not just a JavaScript dev. I love the whole web!

I help people build the web better.

What I love about this is that it has two meanings…

  1. I help people get better at building for the web
  2. I help make the web itself better.

So what does that mean for you?

Upgrades to the Lean Web Club

The Lean Web Club is my course, code and community platform.

It features every course and tutorial I've ever created; a whole bunch of helper functions, code snippets, and boilerplates; and access to my private Discord community.

(Quick note: this week you can get a free month to try it out, plus 50 percent off for a whole year after that.)

It's the best teaching resource I have, and over the weekend, I pushed a ton of updates to make it even better.

What's new...

  • Simplified navigation. To make things easier to find, all of the courses, reference guides, projects, and talks have been moved into a single page.
  • Better reference guide categories. Instead of organizing guides by language, they're not organized by topic. Over time, you'll see guides that include a mix of HTML, CSS, JS, and more grouped together (for example, a section on Forms might include the FormData() method and native HTML form field validation).
  • Improved search. The old search page would show lots of duplicate content, bad matches, and little context. The new UI shows more relevant results, with descriptions for each one.

What's coming next...

  • More workshops! I'm working on creating new courses and updating some existing ones with more modern approaches and techniques. Have something you want me to learn? Let me know!
  • Code sandboxes. Tutorials and toolkit demos will feature an embedded code sandbox, where you can play with the code live in your browser without having to leave or download anything.
  • Improved workshop completion. Instead of just marking a lesson done or not, you'll be able to see how much of a workshop you've completed (n/42), and access a certificate of completion when you're done.

If that sounds interesting, you can get a free month to try it at LeanWebClub.com.

More YouTube videos

I've doubled down on my YouTube channel!

For the past few months, I've been building out a suite of Web Components, and exploring the various techniques and limitations you'll run into. The response has been awesome, and I'm looking forward to doing even more of it!

You can watch and subscribe here.

More podcast episodes

The Go Make Things Podcast is back with more episodes!

I just record a month of new episodes (the first one was released this morning), and I've got a few months more scheduled into the new year.

You can listen and subscribe here.

Less consulting and coaching

I've gotten to work with some amazing clients over the last few years. And I'm pretty damn good at it, too!

But consulting eats up a lot of my energy and takes me away from the things I really love and am best at: teaching people code, creating educational resources, and building out tools.

A lot of being effective as a developer (especially one with ADHD) is about energy management.

I've been splitting my focus into too many directions for too long, and it hasn't been working well. I'm looking forward to having a renewed focus on the stuff I do best!

One more thing…

I do have one more announcement, and it's kind of a big one.

But I'll save that for another day!


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