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Weekly Digest: Weekly News Bites: Greedy ants, mountain weight loss, and a molecular fossil, and more ...

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Weekly News Bites: Greedy ants, mountain weight loss, and a molecular fossil
By Asia Research News
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are how hungry ants push birds out of their habitat, how eroding a mountain makes it taller, and how our cells carry insights into origin of life.

Identification of Compounds extending the longevity of Japanese morning glory flowers
By Ehime University
Successful selection of compounds inhibiting the function of a transcription factor

Job embeddedness impacts voluntary turnover in the midst of job insecurity
By Hiroshima University
Researchers performed two studies to better characterize the effects of job embeddedness, or factors that influence an employee's commitment to their job, on voluntary turnover in the face of job insecurity.

Improving fumaric acid production efficiency through a 'more haste, less speed' strategy
Fumaric acid synthesis using multi-enzyme system
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Future of bioplastics made from carbon dioxide and biomass molecules could rely on more enzymes, shorter incubation periods

How do ordinary people 'sense' water quality?
A study underscores the importance of taking into account local peoples' everyday experiences, practices, and perceptions in establishing water quality.

International Collaboration Team Reveals a Key Mechanism in Regulating DNA Recombination
By National Taiwan University
How multiple DNA binding proteins compete for the DNA substrate leads to different biochemical outcomes.

DGIST Appoints Seven Distinguished Professors Fostering an Environment for World-Class Education and Research Achievements
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
Expectations for Global Advancement through Distinguished Professorship Program

DGIST tops the competition rate for 2025 early admission among specialized science and technology colleges for two consecutive years
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
- A total of 5,010 applicants for 215 slots, marking a 17.4% increase from the previous year, resulting in a competition rate of 23.3 to 1 - Achieved a high competition rate despite challenges such as an increased admission quota for medical schools, a declining school-age population, and being loc

DGIST restores the performance of quantum dot solar cells as if "flattening crumpled paper!"
By Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
- Professor Jongmin Choi's team from the Department of Energy Science and Engineering at DGIST adopts a new ligand to enhance the efficiency and stability of perovskite quantum dot solar cells - Solar cell efficiency increases to 15.3% by correcting distortions on the surface of quantum dots

Lingnan University in Hong Kong confers two honorary fellowships
Lingnan University confers two honorary fellowships today. From left: Prof Xin Yao, Vice-President (Research and Innovation) and Tong Tin Sun Chair Professor of Machine Learning of Lingnan University; Prof S. Joe Qin, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science; Honorary fellows Mr Augustine Lui Ngok-che, Ms Chiang Lai-ping, Agnes; Mr Andrew Yao Cho-fai, Council Chairman; Prof Raymond Chan Hon-fu, Vice-President (Academics) cum Provost and Lam Man Tsan Chair Professor of Scientific Computing.
By Lingnan University (LU)
Lingnan University held the Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony 2024 today (3 October).

Balancing health: diabetes and obesity increase risk of liver cancer relapse
Risk of liver cancer relapse in relation to obesity and diabetes
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence related to proper weight and diabetes regulation

Duke-NUS launches new pictograms to clarify medication instructions, enhancing patient care
A pictogram showing how medicine should be taken with food.
By Duke-NUS Medical School
Duke-NUS introduces 35 innovative pictograms to make medication instructions clearer, especially for seniors.

2024 Taiwan Innotech Expo to Launch on October 17th: Explore Cutting-Edge Technologies and Witness Innovation Power
Taiwan Innotech Expo 2023
By Asia Research News Partnerships
2024 Taiwan Innotech Expo takes place from October 17 to 19 at the Taipei World Trade Center. Witness cutting-edge inventions and innovations from Taiwan and around the world.

Discovery of promising electrolyte for all-solid-state batteries
Solid sodium-ion conducting chloride electrolyte
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Solid electrolyte composed of nanoparticles embedded in an amorphous matrix shows high conductivity, formability, and electrochemical stability

ChatGPT shows human-level assessment of brain tumor MRI reports
Comparing diagnostic accuracy using real clinical radiology reports
By Osaka Metropolitan University
Using real-world information written in Japanese, large language model displays accuracy on par with neuroradiologists

Lingnan University in Hong Kong holds flag-raising ceremony to mark 75th National Day
The renovated Wing On Plaza at Lingnan University has a flagpole area, where the flag-raising ceremony was held for the first time on National Day.
By Lingnan University (LU)
Lingnan University held a flag-raising ceremony today (1 October) to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The ceremony took place at 10:30 am at the University's Wing On Plaza.

How Jamini Roy's Paintings Breathed New Life into India's Traditional Art Forms
By MAP Academy
A luminary of modern Indian art, Jamini Roy is celebrated for his experiments with Bengali patachitra painting traditions and his brightly hued, bold and two-dimensional depictions of human, animal and mythological forms.

Syrian hamsters reveal genetic secret to hibernation
A hibernating Syrian hamster (Photo: Hibernation metabolism, physiology, and development group, Hokkaido University)
By Hokkaido University
A gene that limits cellular damage could be the key to surviving prolonged cold exposure.

'Squeezing' Increased Accuracy out of Quantum Measurements
By Tohoku University
Tohoku University's Dr. Le Bin Ho has explored how quantum squeezing can improve measurement precision in complex quantum systems, with potential applications in quantum sensing, imaging, and radar technologies.

Honey, I shrunk the city: what should declining Japanese cities do?
The Japanese shrinking cities
By Osaka Metropolitan University
A study on factors that contribute to population changes based on city size

Duke-NUS study proposes new heart failure treatment targeting abnormal hormone activity
By Duke-NUS Medical School
Scientists have discovered that blocking the activity of the hormone glucagon could treat a common and challenging type of heart failure that affects millions worldwide.

Propelling Renewable Energy Industry Forward with Lithium-ion Battery Electrolyte Additives
By National Taiwan University
Distinguished Professor Nae-Lih Wu and his research team from NTU Chemical Engineering Department recently published a review paper- "Lithium-ion Battery Electrolyte Additives: Classification by Elements" in a top-ranked international journal: Progress in Materials Science (2023 IF: 33.6)

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