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[Go Make Things] Web Components and FOUC


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My preferred style of authoring Web Components is to start with existing HTML and enhance it once the Web Component loads.

For example, if I were building a show/hide component, I might start with a <button> and some content that it controls.

I'd also use the [hidden] attribute to hide the button from the UI.

<show-hide>  	<button trigger hidden>Show More</button>  	<p content>Now you see me. Now you don't!</p>  </show-hide>

Note: this is for teaching purposes only. Don't email me about <details> and <summary>. I know they exist, and use them often.

When the Web Component loads and the JavaScript initializes, I'd remove the [hidden] attribute from the <button>, add the required [aria-expanded] attribute, and add a [hidden] attribute on the content.

<show-hide>  	<button trigger aria-expanded="false">Show More</button>  	<p content hidden>Now you see me. Now you don't!</p>  </show-hide>

When I talk about building Web Components this way, I often get emails asking me about FOUC, the Flash of Unstyled Content that happens when the HTML is ready but the JS hasn't loaded yet.

The <button> is hidden and the content is visible, and then the JavaScript loads and the opposite is true.

Isn't that bad for user experience?!

I don't think so.

At the least, it's better for user experience that the JS failing and the user not being able to access anything at all.

FOUC is a side-effect of progressive enhancement. It means that user is getting something usable. To me, that's a more than worthwhile tradeoff when the alternative is they get something completely unusable until the JavaScript is ready.



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