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[Go Make Things] The world we're designing

On the topic of craft and web development, over on Bluesky Kameron Hurley shared this excerpt from the book Stolen Focus

One day, James Williams—the former Google strategist I met—addressed an audience of hundreds of leading tech designers and asked them a simple question: "How many of you want to live in the world you are designing?" There was a silence in the room. People looked around them. Nobody put up their hand.

I think often about the legacies of our industry…

  • Environmental destruction
  • Mass surveillance
  • Data hoarding and privacy invasion
  • Dark patterns in UI
  • Deliberately addictive interaction patterns

Anil Dash wrote about this 12 fucking years ago now…

This isn't our web today. We've lost key features that we used to rely on, and worse, we've abandoned core values that used to be fundamental to the web world. To the credit of today's social networks, they've brought in hundreds of millions of new participants to these networks, and they've certainly made a small number of people rich.

But they haven't shown the web itself the respect and care it deserves, as a medium which has enabled them to succeed. And they've now narrowed the possibilities of the web for an entire generation of users who don't realize how much more innovative and meaningful their experience could be.

Twelve years! This is as relevant today as it was then.

So, how do we build back better?


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