Thank you for your many thoughtful and encouraging emails, comments, and messages after last week's Favorite Things post where I mentioned a book that had me questioning if I'm currently "mastering the One Thing I am created to do".
Rest assured, I'm not distraught; just curious. I've enjoyed mulling over the book's main points for a few weeks... I even entertained the idea that my One Thing could be "managing our home well" (but that didn't sound super exciting 😂)
Much to my delight and surprise, dozens of you connected with me last week and affirmed my thoughts -- suggesting that my One Thing is "home management", "bringing order and structure to home and life", "maintaining a home and family", etc.
It's not glamorous work but it's absolutely essential for society... and as the little girl who grew up watching Martha Stewart instead of cartoons, "Master Home Manager" can't be too far off!
Back in 2007, I started writing online to help others simplify their homes and lives. All these years later, my hope is still to encourage, empower, and equip you in your role as Home Manager -- whether it's your full-time gig or something you squeeze into the margins of a very full life.
Cheers to home! 💕
simple food.
Banana bread has always been a favorite for our family. Five years ago, I reworked my recipe to use 100% freshly ground whole grains.
This recipe also works with all-purpose flour... so you have no excuse not to give it a try! It's SO good.
A Half-Birthday Masterpiece: Simon celebrated his half-birthday last week and requested a half cheesecake. I tried this Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake and it did not disappoint (yes, we eventually ate the other half too!)
A Sunny Spot to Rest: The Fall months are a busy time of year for most families... my encouragement for you this week is to find a sunny spot to rest (even if it's just for a few minutes after cleaning out your dryer vent and before making another meal).
Buster loves it, and I think you will too! 😉
Our Meal Plan
I've got a SUPER simple/quick meal plan this week as we are on-the-go many afternoons!
Leftover pulled pork with roasted potatoes and salad
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