As of 7:45 this morning, 5 of my favorite people are back in school for another year.
It feels bittersweet to officially change gears after a long relaxing summer at home, but we are excited for another school year, for football + volleyball season, for piano + band, for church programing, and for the natural transition into Fall.
A favorite Bible passage rings truer than ever this time of year:
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens..." Ecc. 3:1
As our family transitions from a season of rest to a busier season of school + church + extracurricular activities, it's essential that we stay on top of 3 things:
Meal planning
Evening Routines
Today's email walks you through each of these 3 "essentials" in hopes that your transition into the Fall season will be as pleasant as possible!
simple food.
I'm very relaxed with meal planning over the summer... but it's the first thing I implement once school starts up again.
Meal planning makes a HUGE difference for our family and my sanity... I promise, it doesn't need to be overwhelming!
BACK TO SCHOOL: Today is the day! As I mentioned above, the kids hopped on the bus for another new school year.
We met their teachers, set up their lockers, picked out their first-day-of-school outfits, and had their backpacks + lunches ready to go last night.
Dave went back on Monday -- a new school for him. We toured his classroom over the weekend (it's still under construction. 😬)
BACK TO BREAD BAKING: I rarely bake yeast breads over the summer -- it's too hot, and I enjoy the change of pace.
I still cook and bake with whole grains many times per week (pancakes, waffles, quick breads, oatmeal, muffins, etc.) but I put a pause on yeast breads.
The brief hiatus helps me get excited to make (and eat) homemade bread again in the fall... and since we had a stretch of cooler weather last week, I jumped in with both feet (hands 😂) and made some sandwich bread, dinner rolls, and Stromboli dough. Man, it tastes good again!
BACK TO BLOGGING: Now that Dave and the kids are back in school, I plan to get back to my regular weekly blogging routine. You can expect new content next week, followed by my September Favorite Things post!
Thanks for letting me enjoy a fantastically slow summer at home with my fam. 💕
BACK TO BASICS: I was recently interviewed by Emily McDermott of the Moms Overcoming Overwhelm podcast. We discussed many "back-to-basic" organizing tips and ideas that I hope will be helpful and enjoyable for you to listen to while you fold laundry, take a walk, or make dinner.
Now for the rest of my day... I plan to do a bunch of yard work while listening to my newest audiobook. Then I'm hoping to eat lunch out on the deck (in peace and quiet), take the dog for a long walk, and make dinner before everyone arrives home again at 3:00.
Not a bad first day back to school for mom! 🥰
Hope you have a great week,
~ Andrea
p.s.just for fun... does anyone know what type of chicken this is!? I feel like we need at least one of these in our chicken coop!
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