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The Banana Health Benefit You Didn't Know 🍌

Plus: The most unhealthy condiments |
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The Banana Health Benefit You Weren't Aware of, Dietitians Reveal
Slicing one into your cereal or blending one into your smoothie is doing even more good than you thought.
banana and two blueberries arranged to create the appearance of eyes and a smile on a white background|banana and two blueberries arranged to create the appearance of eyes and a smile on a white background
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These 7 Simple Anti-Aging Secrets Could Add Years to Your Life
Researchers say adults who don't get enough of the "sunshine vitamin" are 26% more likely to die early.
07-7-anti-aging-secrets-529544062-Jacob-Lund-ft|Closeup of a support hands|02-7-anti-aging-secrets-247493581-Ahmet-Misirligul|03-7-anti-aging-secrets-158445599-Alliance|04-7-anti-aging-secrets-589180802-REDPIXEL.PL|05-7-anti-aging-secrets-576159088-Jacob-Lund|06-7-anti-aging-secrets-478084294-Africa-Studio|07-7-anti-aging-secrets-529544062-Jacob-Lund
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Ever Notice Particles in Urine? A Doctor Shares 10 Reasons to Be Aware of
It can range from minor issues, like dehydration, to more serious ones that demand immediate attention, such as infections. Here's what to watch for.
close up urine in a glass flask in a lab environment|close up urine in a glass flask in a lab environment|Man Drinking water at home|CALCIUM OXYLATE CRYSTALS IN URINE SEDIMENT, 200X|Two pairs of feet poke out from under the covers|anonymous person reaches for the toilet paper while on the toilet|Microscopic urine examination showing Granular cast, a sign of many types of kidney diseases.|Pregnant woman standing at bookshelf at home, looking down at belly|Photomicrograph of gram stain showing Bacterial Vaginosis.|Young black man experiencing pelvic pain|hands of a doctor holding a model showing the anatomy of the pelvis and testis|Mature adult man in cozy   interior of home kitchen taking medication|doctor talking to anonymous patient
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9 Surprising Uses for Epsom Salts You've Probably Never Thought of
Find out why celebrities swear by using Epsom salts before a big event.
epsom salt|epsom salt|seedlings in tiny pots|glass with spoon of epson salt for laxative|Epsom-salt body scrub|Bath and tub|cleaning tile and grout|Slug|Epsom-salt in a spoon|colorful bath bombs|woman in epsom salt bath
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16 Condiments That Are Secret Health Bombs (and What to Eat Instead)
You'll be surprised by how much sugar you're ingesting from just a teaspoon of ketchup.
11-health-bomb-condiments-queso||ketchup bottle||||||||||||||
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The Healthy  
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