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FMCSA Updates SMS Website

Federal  Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Compliance, Safety, Accountability Working Together for Safety
Prioritization Preview Rotator on SMS Website Homepage

June 17, 2024

FMCSA Updates SMS Website

FMCSA has updated the Safety Measurement System (SMS) Website with the May 31, 2024 results. Complete SMS results are available to enforcement users and motor carriers that are logged into the SMS Website.

With this update, FMCSA added violation 392.15 to the Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC. This violation addresses "driver[s] prohibited from performing safety sensitive functions per 382.501(a) in the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse." This change aligns SMS with the latest changes to violations recorded as part of the roadside inspection program and during investigations.

For more details and a complete list of violations, see the SMS Appendix A spreadsheet.

Note: the Prioritization Preview Website continues to be updated monthly alongside the SMS Website. With this update, FMCSA added violation 392.15 to the "Operating While Prohibited" violation group in the Driver Fitness compliance category. Motor carriers can visit the Preview site and log in to see what their prioritization results would be under the proposed new methodology.

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