Thursday, February 15, 2024
New JavaScript Set methods, weird HTML line breaks, and Mutation Observer  | Coding puzzleGuess the output! |  | Featured content | | 1. union()The new Set union() method gives us all the unique items in both sets. |  | And since it's immutable and returns a copy, you can chain it indefinitely: |  | 2. intersection()What elements are in both sets? |  | | | JavaScript Mutation Observer.
An underrated API for watching for changes in the DOM: "child added", "attribute changed", and more. |  | I see a bunch of people online curious to know the point of this API in the real-world.
In this post I'll show you how I used it to easily shut-up this annoying script carrying out unwanted activities on the page.
And you'll see how sleek and polished the UI elements became after this. | | | Of course <br/> is what we all grew up with from our HTML beginnings, but there's more.
Like... CSS white-space: pre-wrap: |  |  |  | | | On Twitter/X |  | | | | | | |
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