Tuesday, January 16, 2024
New Heroes, More Power, Limited Sale!  | The Silver Test Mint is Tomorrow |  |
The next Legendary: Heroes Unchained pack sale is tomorrow!
On January 16th at 1:00PM Pacific (9:00PM UTC), 25 Silver Packs will be available for 2 hours to Silver and Loyal Role holders. A 1-hour public phase will follow. Loyal II, III, and IV can purchase additional packs per utility. |  | Each pack will include 3 Heroes , Uncommon to Ultra Rare, 1 of 3 cards is guaranteed to be a Rare or higher. Note that Heroes acquired from official Bronze, Silver, and Gold packs are inherently stronger than their starter Hero counterparts, giving players who mint a competitive advantage in the battle for Korelis. | | | | |  | |
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