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[Go Make Things] How to create your own search API for a static website with JavaScript and PHP (part 3)

On Tuesday, I shared how I created my own search API for my static website with PHP. And yesterday, I walked you through how I built a custom web component to call the API and render search results.

Today, I wanted to wrap up the series by sharing how I added two features:

  1. Filtering search results by type.
  2. Custom URLs for search queries and bookmarking.

Let's dig in!

Filtering search results by type

For this feature, I first added a createFilterHTML() method.

It accepts an object of types that exist in the search results, and how many results are that type. It might look like this…

let types = {  	Articles: 42,  	Courses: 3,  	Toolkit: 7  };  

Inside my function use the Object.keys() method to get the keys from the types object. If there are none, I return an empty string ('').

Otherwise, I return an HTML string with a collection of checkbox inputs, one for each type. I have mine styled as an inline list, but you can style them however you want.

Each input has a name property of search-filter, it's value is the type, and it's checked by default.

/**   * Create the filter HTML   * @param  {Object} types The content types   * @return {String}       The HTML string   */  createFilterHTML (types) {  	let keys = Object.keys(types);  	if (keys.length < 1) return '';  	return `  		<fieldset>  			<legend>Filter results by type</legend>    			${keys.sort().map(function (type) {  				let count = types[type];  				return `  					<label>  						<input type="checkbox" name="search-filter" value="${type}" checked>${type} (${count})  					</label>`;  			}).join('')}    		</fieldset>`;  }  

Next, I updated my createResultsHTML() function.

First, I created a types object ({}) to hold my type data. Instead of immediately returning my HTML string, I assign it to a variable.

Inside the Array.prototype.map() callback function, I either add the article.type to my types object with a value of 1, or increase the type count by 1. This is how I track how many of each type are in the results.

Finally, I pass my types object into the createFilterHTML() method, and return the resulting string and my html string for the results.

/**   * Create the markup for results   * @param  {Array}  results The results to display   * @return {String}         The results HTML   */  createResultsHTML (results) {  	let types = {};  	let html = results.map(function (article) {  		types[article.type] = types[article.type] ? types[article.type] + 1 : 1;  		return `  			<div>  				<aside>  					<strong>${article.type}</strong> - <time datetime="${article.datetime}" pubdate>${article.date}</time>  				</aside>  				<h2>  					<a href="${article.url}">${article.title}</a>  				</h2>  				${article.summary.slice(0, 150)}...  			</div>`;  	}).join('');  	return this.createFilterHTML(types) + html;  }  

Now, the filters are displayed in the UI.

Hiding and showing search results when filters change

Next, I updated my handleEvent() method. Instead of just running my search code, I dynamically run an on* method on my Web Component instance.

For example, a submit event would trigger the onsubmit() method to run.

/**   * Handle events   */  handleEvent (event) {  	this[`on${event.type}`](event);  }  

Then, I copy/pasted the code that was previously in the handleEvent() method into an onsubmit() method.

/**   * Handle submit events   */  onsubmit (event) {  	event.preventDefault();  	this.search(new FormData(this.form));  }  

Back in my createResultsHTML() method, I added a [data-search-type] attribute to each search result, with the article.type as its value.

return `  	<div data-search-type="${article.type}">  		...  	</div>`;  

Then, I created an oninput() event to handle changes to my filters.

In this method, I use the Element.querySelectorAll() method to get all of the [name="search-filter"] items that are :checked. Then I use the Array.from(), Array.prototype.map(), and Array.prototype.join() methods to create a [data-search-type="*"] selector string, where * is the type of item that should be visible but is currently [hidden].

/**   * Handle checkbox changes   */  oninput (event) {    	// Get the values to show and hide  	let show = Array.from(this.results.querySelectorAll('[name="search-filter"]:checked')).map(input => `[data-search-type="${input.value}"][hidden]`).join(',');    }  

For example, let's say Articles and Toolkit are checked, but Courses is not.

The resulting show string would look like this…

let show = '[data-search-type="Articles"][hidden], [data-search-type="Toolkit"][hidden]';  

I repeat this process, this time looking for filters that are :not(:checked), and getting the matching search results that are :not([hidden]).

/**   * Handle checkbox changes   */  oninput (event) {    	// Get the values to show and hide  	let show = Array.from(this.results.querySelectorAll('[name="search-filter"]:checked')).map(input => `[data-search-type="${input.value}"][hidden]`).join(',');  	let hide = Array.from(this.results.querySelectorAll('[name="search-filter"]:not(:checked)')).map(input => `[data-search-type="${input.value}"]:not([hidden])`).join(',');  }  

If there are items to show, I pass the select into the Element.querySelectorAll() method. Then, I use a for...of loop to loop through them, and the Element.removeAttribute() method to remove the [hidden] attribute.

I do the same thing for items that I should hide, this time adding the [hidden] attribute with the Element.setAttribute() method.

// Show hidden elements  if (show) {  	for (let elem of this.results.querySelectorAll(show)) {  		elem.removeAttribute('hidden');  	}  }    // Hide visible elements  if (hide) {  	for (let elem of this.results.querySelectorAll(hide)) {  		elem.setAttribute('hidden', '');  	}  }  

One final touch to make this work: in my constructor(), I add an input listener on the this.results element.

// Listen for events  this.form.addEventListener('submit', this);  this.results.addEventListener('input', this);  

Updating the URL

Inside the search() function, I use the history.pushState() method to update the URL without reloading the page.

I pass in an empty object for the state, though if your app actually uses browser state, you could pass in history.state instead. I pass in an empty string for the deprecated second argument, and the current URL with ?s and the query value as the query string parameter.

/**   * Search the API   * @param  {FormData} query The form data to search form   */  async search (query) {  	try {    		// Show status message  		this.notify.innerHTML = '<p<em>Searching...</em></p>';  		this.results.innerHTML = '';    		// Update the URL  		history.pushState({}, '', window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '?s=' + query.get('q'));    		// ...    	} catch (error) {}    }  

Now, I have a URL query string parameter I can check for when the page loads to automatically run a search.

I created one last method, onload(). In it, I use the new URLSearchParams() object to get the value of the s query string from the window.location.search property.

If no query exists, I can return to end early.

/**   * If there's a query string search term, search it on page load   */  onload () {  	let query = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('s');  	if (!query) return;  }  

Otherwise, I create a new FormData() object, and assign my query to the q property (the same as if someone had typed it into the form).

I pass the formData into the search() method to kick off a call to the search API. Then, I get the search input field and update its value to the query.

/**   * If there's a query string search term, search it on page load   */  onload () {  	let query = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('s');  	if (!query) return;  	let formData = new FormData();  	formData.set('q', query);  	this.search(formData);  	let input = this.form.querySelector('[name="q"]');  	input.value = query;  }  

Now, when someone visits a search page they had bookmarked, the site automatically displays the saved search query results.

Want to build cool stuff like this?

I can help!

I offer consulting services to help developers and developer teams write code that's faster, simpler, and easier to maintain.

I also teach developers how to build a simpler web through courses and workshops.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments.


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