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Labor Union Heyday?

Plus: Niger Coup, School Satisfaction, Youth in India, and Remote Workers' Mission and Purpose
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Welcome to Front Page, where we break down Gallup's latest insights on our constantly evolving world. Here are the five insights you shouldn't miss this week:

1. Labor Union Heyday?

Line Chart: 34% of Americans say labor unions will become stronger in the future.

In our annual update on public perceptions of labor unions, Americans seem ready and willing to see unions make a push for more staying power. Stronger unions aren't just what Americans see happening — it's what an increasing number of them want. But do Americans think stronger unions would help or hurt the economy? The public's view may surprise you. Hint: Jimmy Hoffa would be thrilled.
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2. Niger: A Coup for Who?

Line Chart: Ratings of leadership of the U.S., China, Russia and France among Nigeriens.

The standoff in Niger represents so many different battlefronts. The current crisis has undertones of national self-determination to the geopolitical showdown among world powers. With Washington, Beijing, Paris and Moscow all trying to wield their influence, here is how Nigeriens themselves rate the leadership of those countries.
Global Leadership Report

3. School Satisfaction

Line Chart: 36% of Americans are satisfied with the quality of education in K-12 schools in the U.S.

With students dusting off their backpacks on different start dates here in the U.S., Americans are attending open houses, buying school supplies and thinking about how satisfied they are with the education kids in America receive. This year, we note an uptick on the dissatisfaction side.
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4. India, Like You've Never Seen It!

Line Chart: Over 80% of Indians aged 15-50+ believe children in India have opportunities to learn and grow.

As India continues to celebrate its birthday, our brilliant analysts dove deep into what life is like in India, through the voices of Indians themselves. Explore our three-part special feature on the highs and lows of life today — and hope for the future — from the perspective of Indians.
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5. Remote Workers: Drifting Apart

Line Chart: 28% of remote workers strongly agree their company's mission makes them feel their job is important.

There's a shift taking place before our very eyes. The pandemic had us all praising what's humanly possible on Zoom, but our latest research highlights how remote-only workers are gradually drifting away from their employers. While efficiency may be preserved, engagement could be the cost.
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And that's Front Page!

Mohamed Younis

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