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Black Thriving in America

Plus: Black Women's Safety, U.S. Industry Ratings, Worker Preferences
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Welcome to Front Page, where we break down Gallup's latest insights on our constantly evolving world. Here are the five insights you shouldn't miss this week:

1. Black Thriving in America

Line Chart: 52% of Black Americans rate their personal lives well enough to be considered thriving.

In our inaugural report with the Payne Center for Social Justice, we find something hopeful — 52% of Black Americans rate their personal lives well enough to be considered thriving. That's on par with White Americans. But the report also highlights the varied challenges facing Black life in America. Read the full report or watch our amazing panel give their take on the data.
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2. Protecting Black Women

Bar Chart: All Black adults, Black women and Black men who feel safe walking alone at night.

In more somber news, the same report finds that Black women in the U.S. are far less likely than Black men to say they feel safe walking alone at night where they live. This statistic gave your author pause, as while we often focus (rightly) on policing and the experience of Black men with law enforcement, the safety of Black women in the neighborhoods where they reside is rarely discussed.
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3. Industry Ratings Are In! The Image Losers

Range Plot: The five U.S. industries with the largest drops in positive ratings from 2022 to 2023.

In our annual industry ratings by the American public, the big drops this year go to the retail, pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, which all saw spikes during the first year of the pandemic that are now erased. Other industries taking a hit this year are real estate and the federal government.
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4. Industry Ratings: The Winners

Range Plot: The five U.S. industries with the largest increases in positive ratings from 2022 to 2023.

But this year's ratings aren't all bad news. Americans hit the road with a fury this summer — both the airline industry and the travel industry more broadly saw some of the greatest upticks in the public's view. Take a look at all 25 industry ratings and the partisan divides on some that may surprise you.
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5. Are you a Splitter or a Blender?

Bar Chart: Comparing workers who prefer to split their work and personal lives and those who prefer to blend them.

The yawning gap between you and your boss is real — and no, I don't mean because you're bored at work. One of the most interesting findings of the post-COVID era is that the U.S. workforce is split 50/50 between those who want to mix work and personal life and those who prefer to keep them separate. But most notable is the difference between the schedule that workers actually want and what HR execs think they want.
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And that's Front Page!

Mohamed Younis

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