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NEVER Eat This if You Want To Live a Long Life

12 Common Bedroom Items That Are Secretly Toxic
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The One Thing You're NOT Doing With Your Paper Towels (But Should Be)
Paper towels belong in your refrigerator. Surprised? Hear us out!
Quilted Paper Towel|
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10 Foods Never To Eat if You Want To Live a Long Life
The fountain of youth might not exist, but making the right food choices could add years to your life.
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12 Common Bedroom Items That Are Secretly Toxic
#2: Some mattress hazards have been linked to certain types of cancer and hormone disruption.
modern style bedroom with pillows on bed|modern style bedroom with pillows on bed|painting walls in house|zipping mattress cover||Blue travel toiletry bag with travel toiletries, small plastic bottles of hygiene products and perfume on white background. |open wooden dresser drawer with white clothing|Moth balls in the glass over the sackcloth.|White couch cushions, background patterns.|close up of carpet in home|Woman spraying air freshener in bedroom|Two Candles on table at home|cleaning spray bottles|dust table
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9 Body Parts As Unique As Your Fingerprint
You're one in a million (or about 7 billion), and these special characteristics prove it.
unique body parts iris|||||||||
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These Are the Top 5 Pickleball Injuries
The fastest-growing sport in the US may be all fun and games, but it's not risk-free. Here are three proactive ways to prevent pickleball injuries.
Pickle-ball racket and ball on a court outside|
A Surgeon Says... Read More Arrow  
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