Rural Champions, Have you been considering attending this year's National Summit on Rural Road Safety, but haven't registered yet? Then you are in luck! The early bird registration has been extended to Friday, August 25th, so make your plans to attend soon! Early Bird Registration is only $325 for this 3-day event being held in Oklahoma City, September 12-14. 10 reasons not to miss the National Summit on Rural Road Safety: - Can't join us in Oklahoma? No problem! We still want you to participate so we have a virtual option! Most* of the agenda will be available live streamed to virtual participants! And the recordings with be available to both in-person and virtual participants for up to 2 weeks after the summit.
- As a bonus for registering, join us for the free pre-conference technical assistance on Safety Action Plans on Monday, September 11th. Additional sessions will be available to talk directly with U.S Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration representatives about the popular Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grants and other programs.
- Share resources, information, and strategies to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries through a mix of plenary sessions, breakout sessions, networking events, and field trips!
- Participate in networking opportunities with other state/regional/tribal transportation and development planners, transit professionals, as well as safety practitioners from a range of stakeholder organizations around the country.
- Take advantage of one-on-one or small group office hours with subject matter experts on a whole range of topics related to rural transportation safety throughout the summit!
- Learn about data resources and data collection strategies for rural and small metro communities and regions.
- Share strategies for convening partners and building rural transportation safety coalitions.
- Discuss emerging issues and trends related to a range of transportation modes, including bicycle and pedestrian, rural transit and mobility, freight, and more.
- Get ahead on the Road Safety Champion Program by being one of the first to try out our four new modules on Thursday September 14th.
- Take home information to use in your rural and small metro region on transportation safety while earning professional development credits for AICP members and Professional Engineers.
Learn more about the National Summit for Rural Road Safety, view the draft agenda, or register here. Please share information about the event with colleagues in your state. *With the exception of the reception (Tuesday night), field trips (Wednesday morning), and Discuss Plus session (Wednesday afternoon) Thank you for letting us be your rural road safety hub! Sincerely, Jaime Sullivan Rural Road Safety Center info@ruralsafetycenter.org |
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