Rural Champions, The National Center for Rural Road Safety (the Center) is in the final stages of planning the National Summit on Rural Road Safety. The summit will be held September 12-14, 2023, in Oklahoma City, OK. The theme is Resources for Rurals: Equipping You to Save Lives. "We are excited to host this summit to connect rural transportation practitioners to the resources they need to make their roads safer," said Jaime Sullivan, director of the Center. The audience for the Summit is State, county, town, and tribal transportation practitioners, as well as various national safety organizations. The Summit will include interactive sessions and trainings on: - The Safe System Approach
- Rural transportation data
- Rural safety coalitions
- Proven, low-cost countermeasures for rural roads
- Local road safety plans
Funding approaches (including SS4A Sessions) will also address tribal issues throughout. This year's summit will by hybrid, with in-person and virtual options, for maximum accessibility. "We want practitioners across the country to be able to learn from the Summit," said Sullivan. "Our audiences include many small, rural agencies who may not be able to afford travel. We're excited about the technology we're using to make the virtual options a really good experience for attendees." The Center has also partnered with the National Association of Development Organization's (NADO) National Regional Transportation Conference , making this a joint conference. The focus will be relevant rural road safety training and practical, low-cost approaches to improving rural road safety. Other features of the summit include field trips, office hours with experts, roundtable discussions, customized sessions, four new Road Safety Champion Program (RSCP) trainings, networking opportunities, and more. "Every aspect of this summit is tailored to the needs of rural practitioners because we know with the right tools in place they can reach their safety goals," Sullivan said. "We look forward to seeing everyone there!" The summit will be held at the Sheraton Oklahoma City Downtown Hotel, 1 N. Broadway Ave. Information about the summit, registration, and sponsorship opportunities, are available on the summit's webpage. Early bird registration ends soon! Save your agency/Tribe dollars by registering early for the Summit! Early bird registration for in-person attendees closes August 18. By registering early, you will save $100 per person for the full in-person conference and $50 for single day. Register today to take advantage of this cost-saving opportunity! Become a Sponsor! Want to get your business or organization in front of rural road practitioners from across the country? This summit can be a great option. Multiple sponsorship levels are available; however, customized options can be created depending on your marketing needs. See this webpage for more information. Thank you for letting us be your rural road safety hub! Sincerely, Jaime Sullivan Rural Road Safety Center info@ruralsafetycenter.org |
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