Don't miss a tip inside for using strengths every day.
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 | CliftonStrengths® Insights | |
We're excited to share with you this month Gallup's latest workplace research and what it means for leaders around the world — and a new CliftonStrengths report. In this month's newsletter: | | Latest Research | What Leaders Need to Know About the State of the Global Workplace | | “ What can leaders do today to potentially save the world? Gallup has found one clear answer: Change the way your people are managed. ” — Jon Clifton, CEO, Gallup Gallup recently launched the State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report. The report reflects our broadest, most comprehensive research on the workplace and the issues workers face around the world. This year's report goes a step further in sharing the voice of the world's employees, including direct quotes from survey respondents about their unique experiences. Explore the 2023 report to learn more about how employees in regions worldwide feel about their life and job. | | | Strengths-Based Development | Put Your Strengths to Work for You | | One of the most incredible aspects of strengths is that they can be developed infinitely. Visit How to Develop and Improve Your Strengths to learn more about continued strengths-based development, get action items for self-discovery and even download a free checklist activity about using strengths to help achieve goals. | | Want to go deeper? Check out these other strengths-based development resource pages: | | | The CliftonStrengths for Students Report Is Now Available! | | Students who have previously taken the CliftonStrengths assessment now have automatic access to the new CliftonStrengths for Students report. The report provides new insights into students' top five strengths and more resources for using strengths meaningfully. Check out this sample report for a preview of this valuable student resource. | | A New CliftonStrengths Experience | The release of the CliftonStrengths for Students report coincides with a change in how you access your CliftonStrengths reports. Beginning June 28, all reports and resources will move from to our Gallup Access platform, joining our other CliftonStrengths offerings. | | Using Strengths Every Day | A Tip for Using Your Strengths | | More than 30 million people have taken the CliftonStrengths assessment. Each of us has opportunities to use our strengths every single day, but are we being intentional and using them to their fullest potential? Check out this tip on how to apply your strengths every day: Capture Your Insights Developing your CliftonStrengths means you're a lifelong student of yourself, and new insights strike all the time. Capture them. Write your discoveries about yourself and your talents in a journal, send yourself voice memos, jot insights down on sticky notes — pick a method that resonates with you. Doing so will help you retain and act on what you learn about yourself, ultimately making your insights more productive and lasting. | | | Tune In to Develop Your Leadership Skills | | Have you listened to the CliftonStrengths Podcast series on leadership? Each episode explores a Signature Theme through the lens of a leader, revealing how to use the theme to empower your leadership skills. Check out the latest episodes: - Focus: Developing Your Leadership Skills: 16 minutes
- Responsibility: Developing Your Leadership Skills: 16 minutes
- Restorative: Developing Your Leadership Skills: 16 minutes
Listen to it on your preferred podcast platform. | | Still not sure how your specific themes connect to your role as a leader? Learn more about the CliftonStrengths for Leaders report or download the sample report here. | | What We're Reading | Be sure to check out the articles below to learn how to make the most of your strengths. | | | | | Was this email forwarded to you? Never miss another newsletter! To subscribe, click here. | Gallup®, CliftonStrengths® and each of the 34 CliftonStrengths theme names are trademarks of Gallup. Copyright © 2000 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. | | |
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