– I’m reaching out to ensure you didn’t miss Kyle’s previous note.
When you donate to Charity Navigator between now and 11:59:59 PM EDT on July 28, you have the opportunity to get your donation matched, making twice the impact on our ratings and resources.
Thank you in advance for your tax-deductible contribution today! A gift of any amount will truly make a difference on our innovation and efforts to better serve you.
All my best,
Kayla Vonderau (she/her) Development Associate Charity Navigator
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Charity Navigator <> Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2023 at 5:30 PM Subject: Double your impact – As someone who values our ratings and resources, I have some exciting news: Our Board of Directors has agreed to match all donations in support of Charity Navigator now through 11:59:59 PM EDT on July 28, up to a total of $30,000.
This means that your donation today will make twice the impact on expanding the breadth and depth of the ratings and resources that you and millions of informed donors like you depend on.
There are a variety of ways to support Charity Navigator! Click the button above to donate via credit card, PayPal, Venmo, bank transfer, digital wallet, check, stock, donor-advised fund (DAF), IRA disbursement, and cryptocurrency.
Kyle Gardner (he/him) Director of Direct Response Charity Navigator
P.S. If you prefer to donate by check, simply reply to this email letting us know the amount of your gift, and we’ll make sure it gets matched. Kindly send your donation to the address below.
Charity Navigator P.O. Box 4009 Harlan, IA 51593
All gifts received through our Matching Challenge by the deadline of 11:59:59 pm EDT, July 28, 2023, qualify for this Matching Challenge offer up to the $30,000 limit. Charity Navigator is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law, excluding the match grant amount. Click here to see our progress toward the $ limit.
You are receiving this email because you opted in to be notified when we publish new ratings, about ways to stay informed with your philanthropy, and to receive other timely updates from Charity Navigator.
Kindly mail check donations to: Charity Navigator P.O. Box 4009 Harlan, IA 51593
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