FTA is seeking public input on a new draft guidance document, Grant Programs for Urbanized Areas: Program Guidance and Application Instructions. The circular will combine and update information from three existing grant program guidance documents: The new circular will update information published between 2014 and 2015 in the three existing circulars and streamline programmatic information. It will also incorporate regulations and provisions from the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act; Pub. L. 114-94 (2015)), the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA; Pub. L. 117-58 (2021)), the Uniform Administrative Requirements for Federal awards to non-Federal entities, and current FTA policies and procedures. The proposed new structure will move some content from the three existing program circulars to FTA's Award Management Requirements Circular C 5010.1, which will also be updated. FTA has published a notice summarizing the proposed new consolidated circular in the Federal Register. FTA encourages stakeholders to review the notice and provide comments through September 11, 2023. |
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