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16052023 - FREE EBOOK: Machine Learning Security Principles ($37.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time ($37.99)

Machine Learning Security Principles
Machine Learning Security Principles
The first part of this book will explore these processes in more depth, which will help you in understanding the role security plays in machine learning. As you progress to the second part, you'll learn more about the environments where ML is commonly used and dive into the security threats that plague them using code, graphics, and real-world references. The next part of the book will guide you through the process of detecting hacker behaviors in the modern computing environment, where fraud takes many forms in ML, from gaining sales through fake reviews to destroying an adversary's reputation. Once you've understood hacker goals and detection techniques, you'll learn about the ramifications of deep fakes, followed by mitigation strategies. This book also takes you through best practices for embracing ethical data sourcing, which reduces the security risk associated with data. You'll see how the simple act of removing personally identifiable information (PII) from a dataset lowers the risk of social engineering attacks. By the end of this machine learning book, you'll have an increased awareness of the various attacks and the techniques to secure your ML systems effectively. Offer expires 17 May.
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