Hey, stand out like never before! 🤩 By rahmat hidayat Friday, April 14, 2023 Explore your new digital CV The world's largest web developer site Hey, stand out like never before! CVs are old and outdated, so we've decided to do something about it. Let's welcome Public Profiles. A new way to communicate your certified skills, learning activity, projects, interests, and contact details with the world! See a Public Profile example here. Create my Public Profile Now Public profiles can be breakdown into two major areas: Personal Information and Achievements. Personal Information Personal Bio Describe yourself in a short paragraph. Your background and goals are a good starting point. Contact Details Make it easier for anyone to reach and connect with you through different channels. Interests Are you interested in some areas in specific? Show everyone what you want to learn more about. Achievements Activity Score Show your activity score along with the number of completed lessons, exercises, and quizzes. Certifications Got some certifications already? Make sure to display your proven skills in your public profile! Spaces Start your own website projects for free with W3Schools Spaces and share them with the world! Steps to create your Public Profile: Create a W3Schools account or log in hereClick on the 'Profile' top navigation tabProvide a "Nickname" to create your public profile.Edit your profile and switch from offline to online to make your profile available on the web. Now, what are you waiting for? Start by creating your Public Profile for free and stand out from the crowd! Create my Public Profile Now Until next time :) Happy coding!The W3Schools team P.S. Haven't got your W3Schools Subscription yet? If so, get started today! New subscribers can get 25% off on any plan for a whole year by simply using the code SPACES25 at checkout. Browse ad-free tutorials, build and host powerful websites, and more! W3Schools Rådhusgata 6, 4306, Sandnes This email was sent to rh3252705.adda@blogger.com You've received this email because you've subscribed to our newsletter. View in browser Update preferences Unsubscribe 💔 Share : Facebook Twitter Google+ Previous Newer Post Next Older Post
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