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๐Ÿฆ Our Twitter cheatsheet has just been updated. Check out what's new

Twitter Keyboard Shortcuts and Glossary Cheatsheet
Twitter Keyboard Shortcuts and Glossary Cheatsheet
The social media platform Twitter has evolved since its beginnings in 2006. Between timelines, threads, and direct messages, there are many things users can look at and do on the platform. You can quickly perform basic tasks using keyboard shortcuts when using Twitter on your laptop or desktop computer. Many of these Twitter keyboard shortcuts use a single alphabet letter, making it easy to get to something quickly. Remember that these keyboard shortcuts don't work in Twitter's mobile app or the mobile browser site (mobile.twitter.com). Also, Twitter isn't exactly like every other social media platform. Therefore, you may need to learn some of these common terms used on Twitter. Download this cheatsheet today and master tweeting in no time at all!
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